The special purposes of the research



1. The special purposes of the research

The special purposes of the research are: a. To make a model and guide-book of handling children with learning disabilities based on accommodation and modification which consists of materials, handling procedures, and evaluation system. b. For international publication with the researcher team from Chiang Mai University. 2. Potential of outcome and output target a. Target of the First Year 1 The raw data of children with learning disabilities in elementary school is collected. 2 The special needs on children with learning disabilities learning activity are recognized. 3 The knowledge, the acceptance, and the skill of teachers about learning difficulty of children with learning disabilities are recognized. 4 Draft-1 of the guide-book of handling children with learning disabilities based on learning acommodation and modification is compiled by the collaboration of the Indonesia researcher and researcher team of Chiang Mai University. 5 Doing initial test limited test to complete the initial hypothetical model. 6 Doing extended test to complete the guide book of handling children with specific learning disability based on learning accommodation and modification. 7 Draft-2 and final draft of the guide-book of handling children with specific learning disability is compiled through validation and test towards the object of the research. 8 International publication in association with researchers team from Thailand in several topics: 1 Comparative study about the problem faced by children with specific learning disability at inclusive school in both Thailand and Indonesia. 2 Comparative study of perception, knowledge, 9 and skill of teachers in handling children with specific learning disability at inclusive school in Thailand and Indonesia. b. Target of the Second Year Doing partnership with the department of education in Yogyakarta for socializing and disseminating the outcome of the research on 3 steps of developing teacher’s professionalism lesson study, Teacher’s Group Work in Core School, Teacher’s Group Work at school level which aims to improve the knowledge, acceptance, and skill of teachers on learning assessment. Then, it also gives learning accommodation and modification to children with specific learning disability. 1 The most effective model of developing teacher’s professionalism or Professional Learning Community is found so the guide-book of handling children with specific learning disability is more useful. 2 International publication related to the effective development teacher’s professionalism to improve knowledge, acceptance, and skill of teacher in handling children with specific learning disability. c. Target of the Third Year Implementing and disseminating the model and product guide-book.