Fact Alternative Solutions When working groups of children whose learning disabilities are less able to work together with other friends, more aloof, and passive. Using a strategy of grouping students or cooperative learning strategies. Objective : Enlarge caring friends to help. Things to consider : a. Students are grouped with similar groups allowing for the ability to work together. The possibility of grouping students can be adapted to the material covered in the task group. b. Heterogeneous grouping can be done if the child has a clear role in the group, for example: the discussion of the frog life cycle role is to draw the life cycle of frogs or frog legs count the number in each phase. c. Homogeneous grouping, can be done if teachers want to provide intensive assistance to some children while other friends who do the work in their respective group.

D. Evaluation

At the end of the program, to evaluate the impact of learning on ABB accommodation social interaction, motivation to learn in the classroom and academic achievement ABB. 1. Motivation to learn Development of Observation Rating Scale for Children Learning Motivation No Factor Indicator Number Items 1. Duration - The time it takes the child do chores 1 2. Frequency - The willingness of children to ask questions in class - The willingness of the child to argue in discussions 2 3 Based on the table above, the instrument rating scale be developed as follows: Put √ mark on the numbers and information in accordance with the display when the child in the classroom observation. Specification: √ mark in the number 1 means the children do chores long and always ask for help. If there is additional information, write it on the remark column. 22 a. How a childs desire to work on the problems tasks given in the classroom? name of child 1 2 3 4 5 Description Long without asking for help Old and ask for help Just in time without asking for help Timely and occasionally ask for help Faster independently ... ... ... b. How a childs desire in doing the task? name of child 1 2 3 4 5 Description Do not want to do chores No immediate task though ordered Task after prompting Immediate tasks after prompting Immediate tasks without prompting ... ... ... c. How a childs desire to ask during the learning process take place? name of child 1 2 3 4 5 Description Unwilling to ask even though requested Sometimes want to ask after being asked Just ask when prompted Sometimes ask unasked Always ask unasked ... ... ... d. How a childs attention while learning? name of child 1 2 3 4 5 Description engrossed himself Only when reprimanded Only at the beginning Sometimes during learning ... ... ... e. How childrens participation during the discussion? name of child 1 2 3 4 5 Description Passive, preoccupied itself tend to be silent Occasionally argued when asked Occasionally argued without being asked active argues ... ... ... 23 2. Social interaction The teacher asked the students: Who are you going to play the rest later?. Then the students were asked to write in the paper three of his friends who will be selected. Visualization of the grouping can be seen in the following example: A pick B, but B does not choose A A pick C, and C choose A 3. Academic Achievement Learning achievement can be determined by comparing the value of learning outcomes in homework, assignments, quizzes, and exams before to after the applied learning accommodations.

E. Reflection Application Accommodation