Configuring an Alternate Toolbar for Oracle BI Publisher

18-18 System Administrators Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition ■ Section, Adding a Default Header or Footer to New Analyses ■ Section, Preventing Auto-Previewing of Results ■ Section, Setting Defaults for Analyses in the Compound Layout ■ Section, Changing Dashboards Section Defaults ■ Section, Specifying Dashboard Page Defaults Including Headers and Footers To cause these customizations to take effect, either stop and restart the server for Oracle BI Presentation Services, or click the Reload Files and Metadata link on the Administration page. Adding a Default Header or Footer to New Analyses

You can specify that default headers and footers are displayed on all new analyses. For example, footers can contain messages such as a confidentiality notice, the companys name, and so on. You can specify a default header or footer by creating an XML message that specifies the text and formatting to apply. The following XML code example creates a footer that contains the text Acme Confidential in bold, red letters. ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? WebMessageTables WebMessageTable system=Answers table=ViewDefaults WebMessage name=kuiCriteriaDefaultViewElements translate=noHTML view signature=compoundView pageProps pageSize=a4 pageFooter showOnDashboard=true show=true zone type=topcaption[b]Acme Confidential[b]caption displayFormat fontColor=FF0000zone pageFooter pageProps view HTML WebMessage WebMessageTable WebMessageTables Preventing Auto-Previewing of Results

The results of an analysis are displayed when editing views of data. If you prefer that the content designer explicitly asks to view the results, then you can create an XML message that specifies that auto-preview should be disabled when new views are created. The content designer can still click the Display Results link to view the results when editing a view. The following XML code example disallows the auto-previewing of results when working with a view in Answers. ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? WebMessageTables WebMessageTable system=Answers table=ViewDefaults WebMessage name=kuiCriteriaDefaultViewElements translate=noHTML view signature=tableView showToolBar=true showHeading=true view signature=pivotTableView autoPreview=false view signature=titleView autoPreview=false view signature=viewSelector autoPreview=false view signature=htmlviewnarrativeView autoPreview=false view signature=tickerview autoPreview=false Configuring and Managing Analyses and Dashboards 18-19 view signature=htmlview autoPreview=false HTML WebMessage WebMessageTable WebMessageTables Setting Defaults for Analyses in the Compound Layout

The results of a newly formed analysis are displayed as a title view followed by either a table or pivot table in a compound layout. A table is created if the analysis contains only attribute columns, and a pivot table is created if the analysis contains at least one hierarchical column. You can create an XML message that specifies that the compound view should default to a different assemblage of views, such as a narrative followed by a graph. The content designer can still add and rearrange views within the compound layout. The following XML code example sets the default compound layout to a narrative followed by a graph. ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? WebMessageTables WebMessageTable system=Answers table=ViewDefaults WebMessage name=kuiCriteriaDefaultViewElements translate=noHTML view signature=compoundView cv signature=narrativeView cv signature=dvtchart view HTML WebMessage WebMessageTable WebMessageTables Changing Dashboards Section Defaults

By default, the results of drilling in a dashboard are displayed on a new page, section names are not displayed in the dashboard, and sections can be expanded and collapsed. You can change these default values by creating an XML message that specifies that new default values for the dashboard section. A content designer who edits the dashboard can still modify this behavior using the options within the dashboard editor. The following XML code example makes section heads visible, enables drilling, and does not allow sections to collapse. ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? WebMessageTables WebMessageTable system=Answers table=ViewDefaults WebMessage name=kuiDashboardDefaultElements translate=noHTML element signature=dashboardSection drillInline=true showHeading=true collapsible=false HTML WebMessage WebMessageTable WebMessageTables Specifying Dashboard Page Defaults Including Headers and Footers

By default, dashboards are printed without headers or footers and in a portrait orientation. If you prefer that newly added dashboard pages default to having a custom header and footer and print in landscape orientation, then you can create an