Click Apply, then click Activate Changes.

8-8 System Administrators Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition - Log settings configure messages that the system writes to the nqserver.log file. For more information, see Section 8.3.5, What Messages Are Included in the System Log? - UserLog settings configure messages that the system writes to the nqquery.log file. For more information, see Section 8.4, Managing the Query Log. ■ Oracle BI Scheduler log configuration file: - Log settings configure messages that the system writes to the nqscheduler.log file. ■ JavaHost Server log configuration file: - log_handlers elements and subelements enable configuration of the log file rotation policy and the specification of the log file name and its location. - loggers elements and subelements enable appropriate handling of Java component JavaHost Server log levels, by mapping the JavaHost Server log levels to the standard Oracle Diagnostic Log ODL log levels. 8.3.3 What Are Log File Message Categories and Levels? Categories and levels for log file messages define the detail and level of importance with which the system writes messages to a log file. Fusion Middleware Control enables you to control these settings in the logconfig.xml file. Each message category in a log file for Oracle Business Intelligence is set to a specific default value between 1 and 32, and only messages with a level less than or equal to the log level is logged. Log file message categories are described in Table 8–1 . Table 8–1 Log File Message Category Levels Category:Level Description IncidentError:1 A serious problem caused by unknown reasons has occurred. You can fix the problem only by contacting Oracle Support Services. No performance impact. Error:1 A problem that requires attention from the system administrator has occurred. No performance impact. Warning:1 An action occurred or a condition was discovered that should be reviewed and might require action before an error occurs. No performance impact. Notification:1 A report of a normal action or event has occurred. This could be a user operation, such as login completed or an automatic operation such as a log file rotation. No performance impact. Notification:16 A configuration-related message or problem has occurred. Low performance impact. It should be possible to enable this level broadly in a production environment without having a significant performance impact in the software.