General Concept of CALL

is important to activate students‘ prior knowledge so the students has a map about the material they are going to learn. For that reason, it is better that multimedia can help students to activate their schema. Multimedia learning is most effective when the learner can apply their newly acquired knowledge and receive feedback. It is better that multimedia can give opportunities for students to apply what they have learned so they can integrate the material with their daily life. The feedback may be provided in the self-assessment format which the students can see their progress.

2.4.4 General Concept of CALL

The term CALL stands for Computer-Assisted Language Learning. It begins with the advance of technology which has been spread out in many fields, especially for providing information, called information technology IT or others call it as ICTs which stands for Information and Communication Technology. The benefit of IT has been used for education purpose that is for learning process which is concerned in the utilizing computer as the media, called Computer-Assisted Learning CAL. In his article Davies 2002:2 defines CALL as an approach to language teaching and learning in which the computer is used as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned, usually including a substantial interactive element. The utilization of computer as an aid in language teaching and learning has various kinds. Web-based CALL is very common type which allows the learner to go online using internet access. Nowadays there are many website of learning program available in the internet. It can be accessed freely by learners. Since the web-based CALL needs internet access to operate it, the utilization depends on the availability of the internet access. Software of learning program using multimedia is one type of CALL which doesn‘t need internet access. Multimedia uses combination of various media on presenting the material so it is much appealing. Any type of CALL program basically has main purpose that is to help learners in language learning. It is also flexible which can be used any time and allows the learners to use as long as they want. It also offers the learner to choose certain topic that they want to learn. Besides that, it can encourage them to have independent learning. It is in line with Han 2008:142 who identifies some benefits of computer assisted language learning and teaching below: 1 Call programs could offer second language learners more independence from classrooms. 2 Language learners have the option to study at anytime and anywhere. 3 CALL programs can be wonderful stimuli for second language learning. 4 Computer can promote learning interaction between learners and teachers. 5 Computers can help classroom teaching with a variety of materials and approaches. There are some advantages in designing interactive multimedia program using flash. The first nefeit is flash can import almost all types of picture and sound files so the programs can performance more attractively. The next is the animation can move because it can be formed and controlled. Flash also could create executable file .exe which means it can run in any other computer without installing the flash program. The other benfit is fhe picture on the flash program is vector graphic so it won‘t blur when it is zoomed. Then flash can run in any operations systems of windows. Finally, the file result can be saved in many types of format such .avi, .gif, .mov and others.

2.4.5 The Concept of Flash Player Multimedia