Qualitative Approach Research Design

51 CHAPTER III METHODS OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT This chapter deals with the methods of investigation. It consists of the research design, the subject of the study, the instrument of the study, the stage of the study, the method of collecting the data and the procedure in analyzing the data.

3.1. Research Design

Since this study aimed to develop the students‘ character building of public tolerance through multimedia reading material, the researcher used the qualitative approach and RD research design. They are explained as follow.

3.1.1 Qualitative Approach

The approach used in this research is the qualitative research. It enables the researcher to collect and summarize data using primarily narrative or verbal methods: observations, interviews, and document analysis Lodico, Spaulding, Voegtle, 2006:5. Based on the theory explained before, the qualitative approach will analyze the data using descriptive way. It‘s the main different between qualitative and quantitative approach. The second approach stated previously uses the number to analyze the data of the research. The researchers use the theory as the main guidance to describe the real contexts and situation on the field. This deep analysis of theory then is used as the guidance so the focus of the research reflects the real situation. It is also useful to give general description about the background of the research and as a material for discussing the result of the research. It is in line with Lodico, Spaulding, Voegtle 2006:5 that states Qualitative researchers believe that full understanding of phenomena is dependent on the context, and so they use theories primarily after data collection to help them interpret the patterns observed. However, ultimately qualitative researchers do attempt to make claims about the truth of a set of hypotheses It is also said that in doing the research, the researches often take inductive approaches in collecting the data. Inductive reasoning is an approach in which the researcher uses particular observations to build an abstraction or to describe a picture of the phenomenon that is being studied Lodico, Spaulding, Voegtle, 2006:5. The study used the qualitative research since the aim of the study is to describe the situation of how the multimedia was developed and implemented to help the students and teachers in understanding the reading material containing public tolerance aspects. The research began with the field observation to check whether the created media was precise with the real needs and problem faced by the students and teacher at school in understanding the public tolerance material. In order to collect reliable and factual data, the questionnaire and interview were conducted. Through these steps, the researcher would be able to describe the problem and design the solution to deal with. The aim of all of those steps was to create a valid product of education to teach the public tolerance integrated within reading material.

3.1.2 Research and Development R D