The Concept of Flash Player Multimedia

without installing the flash program. The other benfit is fhe picture on the flash program is vector graphic so it won‘t blur when it is zoomed. Then flash can run in any operations systems of windows. Finally, the file result can be saved in many types of format such .avi, .gif, .mov and others.

2.4.5 The Concept of Flash Player Multimedia

Currently, Flash Player Multimedia is the favorite to create an interesting media. This application can be used to create our own character and fill it up with interactive sounds and graphic. We will get so many benefits from using flash player Multimedia. Besides the fact of its great interactivity, Learning also appeared to take less time when multimedia instruction was used. Kulik, Bangert, and Williams 1983 found one study that recorded an 88 savings in learning time with computerized instruction 90 minutes versus classroom instruction 745 minutes and another study that recorded a 39 savings in learning time 135 minutes for computerized instruction versus 220 minutes for classroom instruction. Kulik, Kulik, and Schwalb 1986:18 identified 13 studies in which students using computers mostly for tutoring learned in 71 less time than students in traditional classroom instruction. In a comparison involving eight studies, Kulik, Kulik, and Cohen 1980:23 found that computer-based instruction took about 2.25 hours per week while traditional classroom instruction took about 3.5 hours, a 36 savings in learning time. The Adobe Flash Player is software for viewing animations and movies using computer programs such as a web browser. Flash Player is a widely distributed proprietary multimedia and application player created by Macromedia and now developed and distributed by Adobe Systems after its acquisition. Flash Player runs SWF files that can be created by the Adobe Flash authoring tool, by Adobe Flex or by a number of other Macromedia and third party tools. Flash, popular authoring software developed by Macromedia, is used to create vector graphics-based animation programs with full-screen navigation interfaces, graphic illustrations, and simple interactivity file format that is small enough to stream across a normal modem connection. The software is ubiquitous on the Web, both because of its speed vector-based animations, which can adapt to different display sizes and resolutions, play as they download and for the smooth way it renders graphics. Flash files, unlike animated GIF and JPEG, are compact, efficient, and designed for optimized delivery. http:searchcio- midmarket.techtarget.comtopics0,295493,sid183_tax316976,00.html. In developing Multimedia using Flash Player, there particular steps to consider. It must be done to get a good and qualified multimedia product used in teaching and learning process. Luther 1994:75 stated that there are six steps in developing Multimedia, namely, concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing, and distribution. Philips 1997:33 introduced interactive learning multimedia called waterfall model. This model uses participatory interactive approach which functions like tutor. The steps of waterfall model are: 1. Analyzing the needs and definition, 2. Designing the software and system, 3. Implementing and trying out, 4. Fit and proper test of the system .

2.4.6 Educational Research and Development