Reading Purpose Teaching Reading for Elementary School

interactive, transactional process that requires the application of a variety of strategies for proficiency. Basically, reading is a selective process. It involves partial use of available minimal language cues selected from perceptual; input on the basis of the reader‘s expectation. During the reading process, the writer of the text or passage will activate the background and linguistics knowledge to create the meaning; and then the reader‘s task to confer those meaning based on their background and linguistics knowledge as writer‘s expectation. As this partial information is processed, tentative decision are made to be confirmed, rejected or refined as reading progresses. And sometime, the readers need to go beyond the printed text to get the writer‘s intended meaning. There are some benefits of reading. Reading helps students learn to think in English and in the same time, it also can increase the students‘ English vocabulary. Because the students have enough knowledge from the reading, it can also impact toward their writing. Besides that, Reading can help students to prepare for studying in English speaking countries. Based on the definitions stated above, it can be conclude that reading is not merely a process of reading sequence of words. Yet, it‘s must be complexly define as a process of conferring meaning provided in a text or passage which also combines the reader‘s background and linguistics knowledge.

2.2.2 Reading Purpose

People may read for different purposes. Some of them will do it to find the information they look for. Some of them will conduct reading to critique a writer‘s idea or writing style while other will read only for the sake of enjoyment. But generally, people will read to gain information, knowledge or verify their existing knowledge. Different reading purposes will determine the best approach they can use in reading. According to Grabe and Stoller 2002:13 the purpose of reading are as follows: 1 Reading to search, it is used so often in reading tasks that is probably best seen as a type of reading ability. 2 Reading to skim. It‘s a common part of many reading tasks and a useful skill in its own right. 3 Reading to learn from text. It‘s typically occurs in academic and professional context in which a person needs to learn considerable amount of information from a text. 4 Reading to integrate information. It requires the additional decisions about the relative importance of complimentary, mutually supporting or conflicting information and the likely restricting of a rhetorical frame to accommodate information from multiple sources. 5 Reading to critique text. A text may probably have many errors in writing or conferring the idea. Thus, reading while correcting is possible to do. 6 Reading for general comprehension. It is the most basic purpose for reading, underlying and supporting most other purpose of reading.

2.2.3 Teaching Reading for Elementary School

Teaching is activities done by teacher in the classroom. It is a responsibility of a teacher to teach their students to develop their skill, especially in reading. Making sure that children are reading is necessary for their growth. Allington 1995:67 state that struggling readers make more rapid progress when given explicit instruction in how to read. From the explanation above, we must provide a good environment for students to start having the habit of reading. Students will not become the real readers unless they have time, materials, models, and motivation. It becomes the first priority in all classrooms that contain struggling readers should be set up an effective program of daily reading. To teach reading, teacher must provide such an interesting media for students. It is because students will be encouraged to study enthusiastically.

2.2.4 Types Of Reading