The Increase of Motivation to be English Teachers

55 were three participants had increasing motivation to be English teacher after attending the Internship Program Course. They were FS, DS, and AA. FS had experiences in being trusted to teach the KMS class and success in classroom management sense of responsibility and success in solving the problem. DS found the satisfaction of being an English teacher. AA obtained the information and knowledge on how to be an English teacher and obtained good examples from a teacher advisor. Those experiences were representations of self- actualization needs. In simple way, they had succeeded to fulfill the self- actualization needs. Moreover, based on the findings, it had shown that FS, DS, and AA had achieved the target in the Internship Program Course. Due to they had succeeded to fulfill the self-actualization needs, it gave impact on their motivation to be English teacher in which their motivation to become English teacher increased.

b. The Decrease of Motivation to be English Teachers

The researcher also found that the experiences in the Internship Program Course do not always increase participants’ motivation to become an English teacher. Based on the findings, the experiences in the Internship Program Course influenced the pre- service teachers’ motivation to be English teachers. In the findings, the change of motivation was influenced by the external factors. In this study, the external factors were the experiences in the Internship Program Course. ….setelah mengetahui keadaan para siswa di kelas, begitu susahnya dan tugas guru itu tidak semata mata mengajar di kelas saja. Dengan pemikiran lain juga apakah pekerjaan hanya menjadi guru? Sebenarnya kan kalau dari Pendidikan Bahasa Inggriskan kan tidak harus jadi guru karena kita punya skill Bahasa Inggris entah itu jadi tour guide atau yang lainnya. Mungkin akan terasa lebih ringan dibandingkan menjadi guru dengan melihat prospek prospek pekerjaan 56 lainnya yang sesuai dengan bidang kita yang istilahnya tidak menyulitkan diri kita sendiri. HJ, 174-181 After finding out the students in the class, it was so difficult and teachers job was not only to teach in the class. By other thoughts, whether the job is only to be a teacher? By other thoughts, whether the job is only being a teacher? English Education graduates actually are not obliged to be a teacher because we had the English skills whether be a tour guide or other. Maybe it would feel lighter than being a teacher by seeing the prospect of other jobs in accordance with our field which do not complicate us. Aku nggak termotivasi setelah mengikuti PPL. Aku yakin. Okay sih mungkin aku sekarang kuliah di fakultas keguruan ya. Aku didik untuk jadi guru, tapi okay lah masih banyak pilihan pekerjaan yang lain. ME, 72-74 Im not motivated after attending Internship Program Course. I am really sure. Okay, anyway, maybe I am now studying in the faculty of teaching and education. I am trained to become a teacher, but there are still plenty of other choices employment. There were two participants who got the decrease of motivation. There were HJ and ME. The decrease of motivation was also influenced by the failure to fulfill the esteem needs. For HJ, in the beginning he wanted to be an English teacher. However, after sensing the reality in the Internship Program Course and undergoing the difficulties in classroom management, he surrendered to be an English teacher. For ME, she did not obtaining good examples from teacher advisor and being burdensome with administrative tasks, she also surrendered to be an English teacher. Based on HJ and ME experiences, their esteem needs could not strong enough. If their esteem needs strong enough, then they would not surrender to be English teachers. 57


There are two parts which are going to be presented in this chapter. The first part is conclusion of the research. Meanwhile, the second part is suggestion from researcher after researching this topic.

A. Conclusion

The Internship Program Course is a chance for the ELESP pre-service teachers to obtain the field experiences as English teachers. In this course, the pre- service teachers will get experiences which influence their motivation to become English teachers. After researching five ELESP pre-service teachers who had attend the Internship Program Course, the researcher found that five ELESP pre- service teachers underwent the change of motivation of being an English teacher. Three pre-service teachers had experienced the increase of motivation and two participants had experienced the decrease of motivation. The experiences which changed the motivation were experienced differently by each participant. The participants who have experienced the increase motivation get experiences; having a sense of a big responsibility, succeeding in arranging classes or the classroom management, having satisfaction of becoming a teacher, obtaining the good examples from the teacher advisor, and, obtaining the information and knowledge about how to be an English teacher. The increase of motivation was influenced by the three participants’ self-actualization needs. In the end of the