Data Analysis Techniques RESEARCH METHODOLOGY


1. Planning

At the beginning of the research, the researcher selected a problem related to the problems in education, especially the educational problems in the English Language Education Study Program. Then, the researcher consulted the problem to the thesis advisor. Moreover, the researcher designed the research problems which were used in the research. Furthermore, the researcher also searched out and read the literatures in the form of books, journals, related researches, and papers to get the theory of motivation and experience.

2. Choosing the Participants

In choosing the participants, the researcher used random purposeful sampling. In choosing the category, the researcher used four requirements which were stated in the research participants

3. Conducting the Interviews

The researcher conducted the interviews on June - July 2015 and it was only once interview for each participant due to the data was already adequate. The method of the interview was semi structured, in which the researcher had prepared the question guideline to be asked to the participants. However, the researcher was able to expand the question if the answers of participants needed to explore deeper. During the interview, the researcher used a smartphone to record the interview between the interviewer and interviewees. The process of transcribing the interview was done manually, in which the researcher listened to the voice record and then typed every word shortly thereafter. 29 After making the transcripts from five participants, the researcher began to arrange to the general description on the participants’ experience. The researcher did the data reduction to the interview transcripts of the participants. In this step, some unimportant words and overlapping sentences were erased. It was used to find the meaning and phenomenon elements. Afterwards, the selected data was collected in the table. The table was used as a coding. It was used to help the researcher in shorting and classifying the data. After that, the researcher gave notes or comment on the important data in order to assist in coding.

4. Analyzing the findings in the interviews and the reflections

Since this research was a qualitative research, the analysis was conducted by the researcher. In this part, the researcher analyzed the findings and answered the research problems descriptively. The researcher used related theories to analyze the findings.