This chapter describes the methodology of this research. Moreover, this chapter is divided into six parts, namely the research method, the research setting, the research participants, the instruments and data gathering technique, the data analysis, and the research procedure.

A. Research Methodology

In conducting this research, the researcher used qualitative approach. Fraenkel Wallen 2009, p. 435 define qualitative research as a research that investigates the quality of relationships, activities, situations, or materials. The qualitative research is divided into several approaches. One of the examples of qualitative research methodologies is a case study. Ary et al. 2010, p. 29 describe the case study as a type of ethnographic research study that focuses on a single unit, such as one individual, one group, one organization, or one program. In the case study research, the researcher needs to focus on a certain case. The case study is conducted to find out the detail of a case which happens in a group or an individual. This research approach involved more than one method of data gathering in order to strengthen the findings Ary et al., 2010. In this research, the researcher investigated a phenomenon of the motivational change to be English teachers after attending the Internship Program 23 Course. In this research, the researcher chose five ELESP pre-service teachers as the participants of this research. However, the researcher also joined the research because the researcher also experienced the phenomenon, the change of motivation to be English teachers which appeared during the Internship Program Course.

B. Research Participants

In choosing the research participants, the researcher used random purposeful samplings in which the researcher decided the participants based on certain criteria and the needs of this research. The researcher ’s reason in choosing this type of sampling was because the population was too large. Moreover, the potential samplings were also too large Ary et al., 2010. By using random purposeful samplings, the researcher expected that the participants would give the empiric data based on the researcher needs. This research only took five participants with certain criteria. Below are the criteria for participants to conduct the research: 1. The participants were English Language Education Study Program pre-service teachers of Sanata Dharma University batch 2011 2. The participants had taken Internship Program Course 3. The participants were still learning in semester VIII 4. The participants had motivational changes to be English teachers after attending the Internship Program Course. 24

C. Research Settings

This research was conducted in the even semester June – July 2015, academic year 2014-2015 and conducted after the participants took the Internship Program Course. The researcher selected the participants purposively. Then the participants were invited to do the interview in Taman Jamur at Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta. This was meant to find out whether the experiences in the Internship Program Course influenced participants’ motivation.

D. Research Bias

However, this research might have three research biases. First, there were only five participants in this study. Meanwhile, based on the researcher’s observation, there were 160 pre-service teachers in the ELESP of Sanata Dharma University of batch 2011. Second, the participants also did the Internship Program Course in different schools. The variation of schools in doing the Internship Program Course also impacted to the different experiences for each participant. Third, the researcher also joined this research because the researcher was the research instrument. Therefore, it might raise subjectivity because this research conducted human as research instrument. Related to the description of data analysis, the researcher could not generalize the participants’ motivational changing after attending the Internship Program Course. However, the main goal of this research was not to generalize the findings. The goal of this research was to obtain in-depth understanding of a particular phenomenon over investigation.