Theory of Motivation Theoretical Description

16 motivation determines which consequences are reinforcing and punishing p. 362. Motivation is possible to change because of experiences. Motivation can also come from the situations. Ormrod mentions it as situated motivation where the environment can enhance ones motivation to learn a particular thing or behave in particular ways 2011, p. 362. The experience is a teacher for the human beings. The pre-service teachers learn from the experiences in the Internship Program Course. Therefore, the experiences in the Internship Program Course are possible influencing the ELESP pre- service teachers’ motivation to become English teachers. The changes may decrease or increase the motivation.

3. Theory of Needs

Motivation comes from humans’ needs and these needs become the motivation. Maslow 1943 says that human motivation is driven by needs. Furthermore, Maslow 1943 states that needs of human can be described into an ordered in a proponent hierarchy. The stages of his hierarchy are 1 physiological needs, 2 safety needs, 3 love or belonging needs, 4 the esteem needs, 5 self- actualization needs. The needs which are usually taken as the starting point for the motivation theory are called physiological drives. Physiological needs are the needs for human to survive Maslow, 1943. These needs are needed by humans to drive humans ’ motivation to fulfill basic needs, such as food, oxygen, water, sex, sleep, excretion, and etc. 17 After humans are able to fulfill physiological needs, they require having the needs of safety. Safety needs means to be safe and secure Maslow, 1943. The needs of safety are not only for physically. However, human safety needs are also safe psychologically. The needs of safety include economic, health, jobs, resource, family, morality, and property. After physiological and safety needs, that humans also need is love and belonging needs. These needs are interpersonal relation which involves feelings of belonging Maslow, 1943. Moreover, family and friendship relation also belong to these needs. Humans need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance among their social groups, regardless whether these groups are large or small Maslow, 1943. Humans need to love and be loved in return. The other need is esteem needs which mean the needs to feel respected. The first level of these needs is the desire for strength, for achievement, for adequacy, for confidence in the face of the world, and for independence and freedom. Then, the higher level of these needs is desire for reputation or prestige defining it as respect or esteem from other people, recognition, attention, importance or appreciation Maslow, 1943. The last need is self-actualization needs. These needs drive humans’ motivation to achieve the target. For instant, musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately happy Maslow, 1943. Therefore, a pre-service teacher must be able to do the teacher’s job during in the Internship Program Course. In short, these needs are a willingness to accomplish 18 everything that humans want to become they can be. The figure 2.1 shows the hierarchy of needs by Maslow. Source: https:upload.wikimedia.orgwikipediacommonsthumb660Maslows_Hierarchy_of_Needs.svg2000px- Maslows_Hierarchy_of_Needs.svg.png Figure 2.1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

4. Experience

Experience is the knowledge and skill that have gained through doing something for a period of time Oxford Dictionary, 2008. Experience is a part of learning process in daily life. Human cannot deny that experience has become an integral part in constructing knowledge Dewey, 1997. Constructivist adherers believe that knowledge comes from the interaction with others and experiences. Piaget who is the founder of constructivism theory states that through assimilation and accommodation individuals will construct the knowledge from their experience Piaget, 1954. Piaget believes that knowledge derives from transforming, organizing, and reorganizing previous knowledge cited in Santrock, 2009. On the other hand, Vygotsky, the founder of socio constructivist