Problem Limitations Research Objectives

9 attending Internship Program Course is rare to find. Based on the reasons above, the researcher believes that this research is beneficial for the future researchers as an additional reference.

3. The ELESP Lecturers

This research may give the awareness of the influence of the experiences in the Internship Program towards pre-service teachers ‟ motivation to be English teachers to the lecturers. It is also expected that this research may bring a new perception about challenges in the Internship Program Course. Moreover, the lecturers may analyze the challenges in the Internship Program Course and share the challenges to the future pre-service teachers in order to give the understanding on how to overcome the problems.

F. Definition of Terms

There are four terms to be defined, namely experience, ELESP pre-service teacher, Internship Program Course, and motivation.

1. Experience

Experience is the knowledge and skill that have gained through doing something for a period of time Hornby, 2008. Learning process cannot be separated from the experience. It is because the experience is a form of how to gain the knowledge. The experience becomes the foundation of empirical study where knowledge is only based on the experience. Constructivist learners also rely on the experience in creating their world in order to help the learners in the learning process. Terry 1964 says that experience is also a consideration to take 10 a decision. In this research, the researcher uses the ELESP pre- service teachers‟ experiences in the Internship Program Course to find out the impact on the ELESP pre-service teachers motivation to be English teacher.

2. Internship Program Course

The Internship Program Course is a compulsory course for the ELESP pre- service teachers. ELESP as a member of Faculty of Teachers Training and Education requires this course to be taken by the pre-service teachers. This course is designed to train the teacher candidates in order to have the ability in teaching Panduan Akademik, 2011. The Internship Program Course is an experiential learning, which requires practice or application in the learning process. Through the Internship Program Course, pre-service teachers have a chance to improve and show their teaching skills. Its purpose is also to help the pre-service teachers who are teacher candidates, to prepare their readiness to work at school as the real teachers in the future Triasmara, 2013: 8.

3. Pre-Service Teachers

A pre-service teacher comes from the words „pre-service‟ and „teacher‟. Oxford Dictionary 2008 defines a pre-service into a period before a person takes a job that requires training. Meanwhile, a teacher is a person who especially teaches in schools Oxford Dictionary, 2008. Therefore, a pre-service teacher is a teacher candidate who is being trained as a teacher before heshe takes a job as a teacher. In this research, the researcher uses the term of pre-service teachers to mention the ELESP students. It is because in the ELESP, the students are trained to be teachers.