Theory of Needs Theoretical Description

18 everything that humans want to become they can be. The figure 2.1 shows the hierarchy of needs by Maslow. Source: https:upload.wikimedia.orgwikipediacommonsthumb660Maslows_Hierarchy_of_Needs.svg2000px- Maslows_Hierarchy_of_Needs.svg.png Figure 2.1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

4. Experience

Experience is the knowledge and skill that have gained through doing something for a period of time Oxford Dictionary, 2008. Experience is a part of learning process in daily life. Human cannot deny that experience has become an integral part in constructing knowledge Dewey, 1997. Constructivist adherers believe that knowledge comes from the interaction with others and experiences. Piaget who is the founder of constructivism theory states that through assimilation and accommodation individuals will construct the knowledge from their experience Piaget, 1954. Piaget believes that knowledge derives from transforming, organizing, and reorganizing previous knowledge cited in Santrock, 2009. On the other hand, Vygotsky, the founder of socio constructivist 19 believe in the importance of social influence to construct knowledge as cited in Santrock 2009. However, both Piaget and Vygotsky emphasize that experience has main role in construct the knowledge and view cited in Santrock, 2009. According to Dewey 1997, there is an intimate and necessary relation between the process of actual experience and education. Meanwhile, David Kolb 1984 proposes the importance of learning through experience. Kolb mentions it as an experiential learning and he mentions there are six characteristics of the experiential learning: a. Learning is best conceived as a process, not in terms of outcomes b. All learning is re-learning c. Learning requires the resolution of conflicts between dialectically opposed modes of adaptation to the world d. Learning is a holistic process of adaptation e. Learning results from synergetic transactions between the person and the environment f. Learning is the process of creating knowledge Through experience, it is expected that learning process will become more meaningful because it is not only a concept. However, the learning process is done with an action so that a human is able to apply the concepts in the real situation. Internship Program Course is an experiential learning. Pre-service teachers learn how to design lesson plans, develop the learning material, implement teaching the approach and the method, evaluate the learning process, manage the classroom, assess the learning process result, give the feedbacks, transfer the knowledge, and 20 teach the students. The experiences in the Internship Program Course construct the pre-service teachers’ knowledge.

B. Theoretical Framework

The aims of this research are to find out 1 what were the experiences in the Internship Program Course which influenced ELESP pre-service teachers motivation to be English teacher? 2 how did the experiences in the Internship Program Course impact to the pre-service teachers to be English teachers? The researcher gives description of the theoretical framework used in the research as the supports in order to show the contribution of each theory in the theoretical description. The following diagram shows the framework of the theory. Figure 2.2. Theoretical Framework Diagram The theory of experience is used to answer the first research problem and analyze the experiences which pre-service teachers faced in Internship Program Course. The theory also helps the researcher in arranging the questions guidelines