61 In addition, the second implications is directed to education in specific- purpose which literature learning process. Eminem‟s rap song lyrics are highly recommended as lesson material in literature class especially for adding better understanding about poetry. These song lyrics can be applied for every student who learns about poetry, such as for 9 grades and literature students. The teachers can possibly assign the students to analyze Eminem rap song lyrics to find the figurative language and its meaning on the text. In addition, it will give new knowledge about new poetries and poetry lyrics‟ structure. Eminem rap song lyrics can direct students to think critically towards certain issue addressed. The issue can be related to discrimination, violence and so on. Further, through addressing the issue, the students may increase their critical thinking and imagination towards those social issues.

C. Suggestions

In this suggestion part, I emphasize on the suggestion for future researchers. By analyzing Eminem‟s song lyrics such as White America, Cleanin‟ Out My Closet, Without Me, and Superman the researchers find that Eminem connects his life experiences into his song lyric. The researcher should understand about Eminem‟s background. After that, the researchers should understand the function of figurative language that used by Eminem in his song lyrics. He uses some figurative languages to express his thoughts and feelings. Eminem tends to use some swear words as figurative language. Nevertheless, the researcher must 62 think objectively that behind Eminem‟s swear words there are so many precious meanings and moral values implied. 63 REFERENCES Abrams, D. 2009. Hip hop stars: Eminem. Retrieved March 20, 2015, from http: Abramsdp0791094790. Abrams, M.H. 1953. The mirror and the lamp: Romantic theory and critical tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Arp, T.R., Johnson, G. 2009. Perrine‟s literature 10 th ed.: Structure, sound, and sense. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Birenbaum, H. 1997. The happy critic: A serious but no solemn guide to thinking and writing about literature. Thousand Oaks, CA: Mayfield. Cammeron, L., Low, G. 1999. Researching and applying metaphor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Delima, N. N. 2011. Analisis wacana kritis lagu Eminem. Retrieved March 20, 2015, from Green, J. 2003. Cassell‟s dictionary of slang. London: Cassell. Guerin, L.W., Labor, E., Morgan,L., Reesman, J.E., Willingham, J.R. 2011. A handbook of: Critical approaches to literature . New York: Oxford Kennedy, X. J., Gioia, D. 1999. Literature: An introduction to fiction, poetry, and drama 7 th ed. Los Angeles: Longman. Lakoff, G., Johnson, M. 1980. Metaphors we live by 1980. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Longman dictionary of contemporary English for advanced learners New ed.. 2011. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Lye, J. 1966. The problem of meaning in literature. Retrieved May 20, 2015, from http: www.brocku.caenglishjlyemeaning.php. Mooij, J. J. A. 1976. A study of metaphor: On the nature on metaphorical expressions, with special reference to their reference . Amsterdam: North-Holland.