Object of the Study

27 Then, in the fifth step, the writer applied all theories and approaches to the research questions. The theory of metaphor was used to answer the first research question about the metaphor in Emin em‟s selected rap song lyrics. There were some steps that should be followed by the writer in recognizing a metaphor. First, the writer needed to make limitation and then identified the metaphor. Further, the theory of connotation meaning was used to answer the second research question about the function of connotation meaning on each metaphor in Eminem‟s selected rap song lyrics. Then, the theories about typography of song lyric, lyric structure and review of Eminem‟s background were used as based theories to strengthen this study. Finally, the last step was drawing a conclusion from the answer that the writer has gotten from the discussion. 28


In this chapter, the writer give the analysis and discussion of Eminem ‟s metaphor in his song lyrics. This chapter consists of two parts. The first part contain contains the analysis of the research, for sake answering the research questions. Then, the second part contains the discussion of the analysis. It is explain the relation between the applied theories and the analysis.

A. Analysis

There are two sub-parts in Analysis. The first part explains about the finding of metaphor in Eminem‟s song lyrics. Then, the second part discuss about the connotation meaning of each metaphor in Eminem‟s song lyrics.

1. Metaphor in selected Eminem’s rap song lyrics

The writer has analyzed four selected of Eminem‟s rap song lyrics. The analysis has shown that Eminem uses some metaphors into his song lyrics. Even though some of his metaphors sound rude, they do not decrease the esthetic value of Eminem‟s language. There are 17 metaphors that have been found in those song lyrics. They are 5 metaphors of White America, 2 metaphors of Superman, 4 metaphors of Without Me and 6 metaphors of Cleanin‟ Out My Closet.