Connotation of Stereotype Connotation Function in Eminem’s metaphors

49 words, Eminem wants to claim as a good person who gives good influence to the society. 2 Plain Old This metaphor is found in lyrics “You‟re just plain old Marshall to me Superman, Verse 3, line 3.” In this metaphor, the subject “You” is compared to “Plain old.” Hence, the literary meaning is derived from the phrase “plain old.” The words “Plain” and „Old” indicate about appearance. Then, since the contextual meanings indicate negative value, so the result meaning of this metaphor is negative. Since the lyrics are indirect speech of Eminem‟s girl, the usage of “Plain old” is to show the girl‟s point of view about Eminem. The The lyrics: “You‟re just plain old Marshall to me” shows that the girl considers Eminem as an ugly man. This metaphor applies function of connotation attitude and personal belief. It is because through this metaphor, Eminem wants to evoke his read er and listener‟s views about himself. Since this metaphor is used as an expression of Eminem‟s girl about Eminem, so immediately this metaphor is used to appraise Eminem is. Moreover, the meaning of “Plain Old” as ugly indicates disgrace towards Eminem. 3 Ovulating This metaphor is found in lyrics “I‟m on the rag and ovulating Without me, verse 1, stanza 2 nd , line 9 . In this metaphor, the action “Ovulating” is considered to have connotation or literary meaning. Based on the context, the metaphor “ovulating” indicates success. The success direct to Eminem‟s existence 50 in entertainment. Even though Eminem always get refusal because of his controversial works, he can prove that he can get success by his own way. This metaphor also has its function of connotation meaning. The function of connotation meaning directs to connotation of attitude and personal belief. This metaphor describes that Eminem wants to get respect from people that he is a good person too. Further, through this metaphor Eminem wants his reader and listener get a positive point of view about him. This connotation meaning gives Eminem such enthusiasm to improve himself more. 4 Kissing This metaphor is found in lyrics “So just let me revel and bask, In the fact that I got everyone kissing my ass Without Me, Verse 2, line 6 .”In this metaphor, the verb “kissing” is considered to have connotation meaning. The verb “Kissing” is an action to the noun “my ass”. Further, this metaphor actually has been written in dictionary. According to Longman dicti onary 2011, the metaphor “kicking my ass” means to refuse people‟s opinion. In addition, if we connect to the context of song lyric, it can be seen clearly that Eminem is an independent person. He does not want people to change his life, except himself. Through this metaphor, Eminem applies the function of connotation attitude and personal belief. Eminem wants to lead his reader and listener to claim him as a good person. He does everything by his own way and not wants people to force his life. Even though, there are many people want