Students’ reading comprehension in pre-test Students’ Reading Comprehension in Cycle 1



This chapter has two sections namely section A and section B. Section A relates to prior situation of the research that describes the condition before the research, the planning activities and the implementation of the research. While section B focuses on the discussion of the research findings.

A. Research Findings

This research is aimed at finding out whether optimizing the use of Lecfenco improve the students’ reading comprehension and identifying to what extent materials improve the students’ reading comprehension. Here are the research findings in before, during and after applying Lecfenco.

1. Students’ reading comprehension in pre-test

Th e students’ problem was also identified on the result of the pre-test. The distribution of the students’ score in pre-test was listed in Figure 4.1, Table 4.1, and Table 4.2. Figure 4.1 Students’ Score of Pre-Test 57 Based on the figure 4.1 above, it can be seen that there are 19 students got score under 70 65.52 and only 10 students got score above 70 34.48. It means that students’ reading comprehension needs improvement. Table 4.1 Students’ Score of Pre-Test No Explanation Student’s score of Pre-test 1 Highest score 80,00 2 Lowest score 25,00 3 Mean score 54.05 Based on table 4.1 above, it can be concluded that the student’s reading comprehension was unsatisfying. The highest score is 80.00, the lowest score is 25.00,and the average score is also quite low, that is only 54.05. Meanwhile, the maximum passing grade KKM of English for grade IX was 70. Table 4.2 Students’ Mean Scores per Indicator No Indicators Mean Score 1 General Information 39.66 2 Certain Information 61.78 3 Implicit Information 56.90 4 Explicit Information 48.28 5 Pronoun Reference 44.83 6 Communicative Purpose 57.47 7 Word Meaning 54.02 Based on Table 4.2, it is indicated that: 1 the students’ mean score for determining general information is 39.66, 2 the students’ mean score for finding certain information is 61.78,3 the students’ mean score for inferring implicit PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 58 information is 56.90, 4 the students’ mean score for inferring explicit informa tion is 48.28, 5 the students’ mean score for determining reference is 44.83, 6 the students’ mean score for determining communicative purpose 7 the students’ mean score for determining word meaning is 54.02

2. Students’ Reading Comprehension in Cycle 1

Cycle 1 involves four stages: planning, action, observation and reflection. The detail about the stages is explained as follows: a Planning Planning was an important thing in doing everything in order to make everything more manageable and easy to do. In this step, the researcher and the collaborator prepared everything before the teaching and learning process. The researcher and the collaborator prepared everything related to the action as follows: preparing the material, making lesson plan, designing stude nt’s worksheet, preparing media, designing an observation sheet and choosing the reading texts for Cycle 1. The researcher and the collaborator also designed each cycle in two meeting for the teaching and learning process using Lecfenco, but the researcher created media of learning, Lecfenco, by himself. The reading text for the first meeting was a procedure text; Recipe, the title was “how to make fried rice.” The lesson plan consisted of Standard Competence, Basic Competence, Indicators, Learning Goal, Learning Method, Instructional Material and Teaching Learning Activities. The lesson plan of Cycle 1 was in Appendix 1 page 1-5. The researcher and the collaborator designed the lesson plan. Then, the researcher prepared media such as pictures, video, song etc, so that the learning media seems more interesting. The researcher and the collaborator also prepared 59 an observation sheet. The purpose of an observation was to get the data from the teaching and learning process. So the collaborator could observe both the researcher and the students in the teaching and learning process. She also gave comments about the teaching and learning process. In order to get the maximum result in the research, some activities were planned before the implementation of the research. The activities planned were sharing idea with collaborator, making lesson plan, preparing material for procedure text; dividing the main teaching into three phases: pre-reading, whilst-reading and post-reading activities; and designing pre-test. Each activity in detail is described below. 1 Sharing idea with collaborator The researcher needed a collaborator carry out the research. The researcher asked ibu Nurul Hidayati, S,S as his collaborator. The reasons for choosing her as collaborator were 1 she also teaches English at SMPN 2 Bambanglipuro. Therefore the researcher and collaborator have the same experience of teaching for the same students; 2 she teaches less periods that the other two teachers. Therefore she has more free time, so the implementation of the research does not disturb her teaching schedule. Based on the reasons above, the researcher was sure that she could help him well in conducting the research. The researcher and the collaborator discussed the aspects of reading comprehension which needed to be improved. They were: 1 for determining general information 2 for finding certain information 3 for inferring implicit information 4 for inferring explicit information 5 for determining reference 6 for determining communicative purpose, and 7 for determining word meaning. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 60 Based on the discussion, the researcher and collaborator agreed to improve the seven indicators above that the students got low achievement of reading, especially for procedure text. Moreover, the evaluation of t he students’ reading comprehension must cover all the seventh aspects. In order to measure the students’ improvement, both the researcher and the collaborator agreed to use a test in form of multiple choices. The collaborator also suggested the researcher to observe some other points during the implementation of the research. The points were about students’ presence and attention in the class, students’ response to the teaching and learning process, students’ participation in the teaching and learning process, willingness to work on tasks, and unexpected thing that may occur in the classroom. 2 Making lesson plan Lesson plan is a highly organized outline that specifies the subject matter to be covered the order in which the information will be presented, and the timeline for delivering each section or component of the subject matter. The main function of the lesson plan is to ensure that teacher is following the correct curriculum and that each class will be exposed to be the data in a timely and efficient manner. When the lesson plan is prepared properly, it also provides the teacher with the opportunity to plan learning modules and strategies in advance, so that the material in question will be covered effectively Tatum 2003: 1. The researcher discussed the design of the lesson plan for cycle 1 with the collaborator. The lesson plan covers the following elements: goal, indicators, time, materials, teaching and learning activities, media and sources, and assessment. The elements were elaborated in the following table. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 61 Table 4.3 The Elements of Lesson Plan No Elements Description 1 Goal The students will be able to comprehend procedure text 2 Indicators • Identifying words’ meaning • Identifying detailed information in the text • Determine reference • Inferring implicit information in the text. 3 Time 2 meeting x 80 minutes 4 material • Meeting 1 : Word map, Pit stop, Word meaning, grammar, Generic structure, • Meeting 2 : Procedure text “ How to make fried rice” and questions 5 Teaching and learning activities • The opening • Pre-reading activities • Whilst reading activities • Post reading activities • The closing 6 Media • A unit of LCD and laptop • A multimedia Lecfenco 7 Assessment The researcher gave 5 questions in essay form relate to the text. Observing the students activity in the classroom and exercises 3 Preparing materials for procedure text Since the research is about optimizing the use of Lecfenco, the researcher collected many electronic materials. The materials were taken from the internet and books were modified before being presented in the classroom. The materials taken from the internet were procedure text. Other materials were also taken from many other sources. The materials were about generic structure and vocabularies. In order to give visual clues to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery, the researcher also download some pictures and videos to ease the students deduce the meaning of some given words. 4 Dividing the main teaching into three phase: pre-reading, whilst-reading and post reading activities PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 62 The researcher and the collaborator agree to divide the teaching of reading into the three main activities: pre-reading activities, whilst-reading activities, and post-reading activities. The activities were listed in table 4.4 below. Table 4.4 The Activities for main Teaching Reading Comprehension Session Time Activities Opening 5’ • Greet students • Checks students’ attendant Pre- teaching 10’ • Reviewing the previous material • Previewing Whilst- reading 50’ • Presenting the word map; kind of procedures Recipes, Itineraries, Instruction manual and Directions • Presenting pit stop: 7 pictures of procedure • Introducing the new vocabulary related to the procedure text • Presenting the grammar used: The simple Tense, Action Verb, Noun Group • Providing time for students to categorize the words • Giving assistance to the students to understanding generic structure • Presenting the material; procedure text • Asking students to read the text • Introducing the new vocabulary related to the text • Giving questions and task about the text • Discussing the students’ work • Giving explanation and examples to determine reference, infer implicit information • Noticing students and class situation improvement Post- reading 10’ • Asking the students what they have learned in the meeting • Giving students a chance for questioning or suggesting • Reviewing students’ performance during the class Closing 5’ • Motivating students for better exploration of Lecfenco • Leaves taking 63 5 Designing questionnaire After that, the researcher also prepared the students’ questionnaire; the purpose was to get the data from the students related to the implementation of Lecfenco in reading. There were five questions related to students’ opinions about the use of Lecfenco. In order to avoid misunderstanding and confusion, the questionnaire was written in Bahasa Indonesia. The researcher constructed questionnaire in multiple choice with three option; ya, tidak and tidak tahu. The questionnaire was in Appendix 5 page 28. b Action Researcher carried out the activities based on the designed plan for optimizing the use of Lecfenco in teaching reading comprehension in Cycle 1. The materials given in Cycle 1 were procedure text. The overall implementation of Cycle 1 can be seen in Table 4.5. Table 4.5 The Overall Implementation of Cycle 1 Planning Optimizing the use of Lecfenco to improve students’ reading comprehension Action Title of the text : Procedure text Meeting 1 • Presenting word map: kinds of procedure Recipes, Itineraries, Instructions Manual and Directions • Presenting pit stop: showing 7 pictures of procedure • Giving tasks to mention the ingredient and tools of animations provided • Providing time for students to discuss the ingredient and tools of the pictures • Discussing students’ work • Introducing new vocabulary taken form word meaning section; 18 verbs • Noticing the students and class situation improvement Meeting 2 • Presenting the procedure video “How to wash clothes using washing machine” • Presenting the procedure text PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 64 • Asking the students to read the text • Reviewing generic structure by presenting materials from Lecfenco • Giving assistance to the students to comprehend the text • Introducing new vocabulary taken from the procedure text “how to make fried rice” • Giving the questions about the text presented • Discussing students’ work Observation Students • Did not came with blank mind anymore • Enjoyed the class with electronic material presented • Vocabulary improved by visual clue • Determine reference more easily • Still need help in inferring implicit information • More active to take part during the teaching and learning process • Pay attention to materials presented • Had been brave to speak up when the teacher asked them to say the meaning of unfamiliar words • Did not talked with friend when the teacher was explaining the materials Teacher • Prepared teaching material well • Presented the electronic material of Lecfenco using LCD • Not dominated the teaching and learning process • Gave visual clues to ease the students deducing unfamiliar words • Gave visual clue to help students determine reference correctly • Assisted the low students better Class situation • Students were more ready to follow the class • Students paid attention more to the materials presented • Students were more brave to take part in the class • The class was rather noisy but joyful Reflection Strengths • Vocabulary improved • Understanding toward text is better especially in finding detailed information and determining reference • The average reading comprehension score is increased • Students paid attention more to the materials presented because the media was interesting • Students were more brave to take part in the class Weakness • The increase of the average score was still far from the teacher’s expectation. The average score was still under KKM. • The low students needed encouragement to take part in the class 65 • Some students were still passive. • The class was rather noisy Cycle 1 was conducted from November 4th, 2015. There were some steps in conducting a classroom action research; they were planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The researcher did not work alone. He shared idea with the collaborator, Mrs, Nurul Hidayati, S,S, about the schedule of observation during doing all activities in the research. Cycle 1 covers two meetings, they were the first meeting, and the second meeting. 1 The first meeting The first meeting was carried out on Wednesday, November 4th 2015 the English lesson started at 08.30 – 09.50 because the researcher got third period in class IXD. The reading text for the first meeting was procedure text and the researcher would like to teach “Recipe: How to make fried rice”. The researcher entered the classroom and greeted the students. Then, the researcher checked the students’ attendance. There were 29 students in the class IXD, all of them were present. They were 17 male and 12 female students. Before teaching reading, the researcher gave motivation to the students. He said that reading was an important activity which should be done by the students. By reading, they could much information. Then the researcher opened the learning media, Lecfenco. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 66 Figure 4.2 Front Page In the pre-reading activity, the writer explained the objective of the meeting. After that, the researcher introduced the reading text by giving questions. “Do you still remember procedure text?” asked the researcher. “Yes, sir,” said the students. The writer opened the menu of procedure text in Lectora. Figure 4.3 Main Menu of Lecfenco He explained the standard of competence, the basic competence, Indicators and the goal of learning. The opening and pre-reading activity lasted for 5 minutes. 67 Figure 4.4 Indicators of Reading Skill The writer started the whilst-reading activity by showing the word map of Procedure: Recipes, Itineraries, Instruction Manuals, and Directions. Figure 4.5 Word Map of Procedure Text For the first meeting, the researcher taught one of word map: Recipe because recipe was more popular than the others. After explaining the kinds of procedure, the generic structure of Procedure Text and the example, the researcher made group of two or three. The researcher continued to show the various pictures in Lectora such as telephone, a fan, a toaster, a computer, a tree and washing machine. 68 Figure 4.6 Pit Stop of Procedure Text Based on the pictures showed, the group had to decide the generic structure: what was the goalaim of the picture, what ingredient were there to be used and what steps were possibly done. Every group had to do one of pictures and it did not matter if the theme or the picture was same one and another group. Moreover, every group came on front of the class to present the result of their discussion. The group should tell the aim and ingredient or tools of their animation as follows; 1. Group 1 got animation of telephone. The animation showed that there were finger pressed the number of telephone. 2. Group 2 got animation of fan. The animation showed that the fan was moving. 3. Group 3 got animation of toaster. The animation showed that the toaster was pulling out the bread. 69 Figure 4.7 Sample of Students’ work 4. Group 4 got animation of computer. The animation showed that a boy was operating a computer. 5. Group 5 got animation of a tree. The animation showed that a man was planting a tree. 6. Group 6 got animation of iron. The animation showed that a girl was ironing the clothes. 7. Group 7 got animation of washing machine. The animation showed that a girl was washing using washing machine. Every group could do the task for example; group 1 which got animation of telephone. Their answer was as follows: The aim : how to use house phone Ingredient : house phone Before they went back to their seat, the teacher asked students’ opinions. Then teacher revised some wrong answers. The results of students’ tasks were in appendix 7. 70 Then the teacher showed the word meaning section which consists of 18 verbs. They are cut To divide or make smaller using a sharp tool, heat To make something warm or hot, etc. Figure 4.8 Word Meaning of Verb The teaching learning activities continued by giving material of the simple present tense, action verb and noun group. The last activity was the teacher explained about the generic structure. Figure 4.9 Grammar used in Procedure text 71 The post-reading activity was carried out by asking the students what they have learned in the meeting. The students were actively gave respond to the researcher. Then the researcher asked the students if they have some questions or suggestion. There were no questions at all. The closing was done by motivating students for better exploration of Lecfenco because the researcher copied the Lecfenco in their flash disk or laptop. The teaching learning process ends at 10.00 but it was used to be closed at 09.50. The time was still problem for the researcher because he could not close the teaching learning process on time. 2 The second meeting The second meeting was conducted on Saturday, October 7th 2015. During the break time, the researcher prepared the laptop and speaker, hopefully the time was not problem for researcher anymore. It was different treatment from the previous meeting. When the researcher came in the class, all students were already in the classroom. Then the researcher greeted the students and checked the students’ attendance. No one was absent that day. In the pre- reading, the teacher asked the students, “Ok students, before we were studying about reading, I asked you to answer the following questions. First, have you breakfast this morning?” All of students answered; “Yes I have sir.” Then the researcher continued to ask: “What food did you eat for breakfast?” There were many answers from the students. They said they ate fried egg and rice for breakfast, they ate soup and rice, they ate fried noodle and rice etc. Then the researcher asked “Did anybody get fried rice for breakfast?” No answered clearly. It seemed they said no one got breakfast with fried rice. Then the researcher asked PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 72 “Have you ever made fried rice?” There was one student answered my questions: “Yes, I do Sir”. “Ok, how if we make fried rice?” Do you agree?” “Yes, Sir.” Let’s watch this video carefully. Figure 4.10 Video of Procedure Text Then, the teacher started the whilst-reading activities by presenting the text once again to refresh the students’ memory about the text. The teacher presented the procedure text of recipe. The researcher read the text and the students repeated it. Next the researcher asked Hafidz to read the text aloud and the other repeated him. After that, the researcher showed the words on Lecfenco to teach reference. Figure 4.11 Synonyms of Verbs 73 The highlighted word were of several colours indicated the reference. The same colour indicated reference and synonym. The students work was then discussed together. During the discussion, the researcher observed their participation and improvement. During this stage, the students were more active. The low students were still afraid to take part in the classroom. Then the researcher gave 5 questions in essay form about the text. The students were asked to work on them. After they finished the task, the leader of the group wrote the answer on the white board. Then the teacher discussed the answer together. The whilst-reading activities lasted for about 50 minutes. The post-reading activity was carried out by asking the students what they have learned in the meeting. The high students were actively gave respond to the researcher. Then the researcher asked the students if they have some questions or suggestion. No one gave questions or suggestion. The researcher also reviewed students’ performance during the class. The closing was done by encouraging the low students to be more active. The teacher closed the second meeting at 11.25. 3 Post-Test in Cycle 1 The post-test in Cycle 1 was conducted on Wednesday 11th 2015. The test was followed by 29 students of class 9D because no one was absent. The questions of test in Cycle 1 were the same with the test in pre-test but the researcher gave the test randomly. 74 Figure 4.12 Enter the Testee’s Name By applying Lecfenco, it could be done automatically. The test was started at 08.30 – 09.50 a.m. the researcher urged the students to work on the test individually. The researcher also informed that cheating was useless because the machine ran the test randomly. Figure 4.13 Sample of Post test 75 At 09.40, the students of high group said that they had finished the test but the teacher asked them to stay and wait their friend quietly. At 09.50 a.m. almost all students had finished their work. Figure 4.14 Result of Post test The result of post-test can be printed directly or we will get an e-mail if we set up media before. There were 2 of the low students had not finished but the time was over. Then they said, “Pak ada yang belum terisi pak”. They said sadly and the researcher said,” Ga papa, besok kita coba lagi ya?” c Observation On observation stage, the researcher and the collaborator observed two things. They were the process of teaching and learning in the classroom and the learning progress that the students achieved. The result of the observation is described in the following section. 1 Teaching and Learning Process The teaching and learning process during the meetings in Cycle 1 ran well. The students paid more attention to the materials presented. The use of Lecfenco gained their interest and made the class less noisily. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 76 In the first meeting, the students followed the class seriously because they were not familiar with electronic materials yet. The students focus and amazed by the animation on Lecfenco. Therefore, they could understand the material well. Beside they had already got the material of procedure at grade 7. For example, when the researcher explained about the generic structure, they began to understand. When they understood it, they said, “Iya itu pernah dulu pak” Then when the researcher introduced new vocabularies of some pictures presented, most of them could guess the words used to make procedure text. The use of Lecfenco successfully gained the students’ interest. When the researcher asked one of them to read, they read the correct sentence because they all could see the text on screen. The participation of the students to take part in the teaching and learning process also increased. But the increase was not quite significant, especially for the low students. They were still afraid of raising their hand to read the text or answer the questions given by the researcher. When they were working on the task given, all of them did it. As they have tried to do the task, they felt that they needed a dictionary. In the second meeting, although the students followed the lesson quietly but they really enjoyed the material presented. When the teacher presented the material about “How to make fried rice” again, they did not get bored. They listened to the researcher ’s explaining about pronoun reference in the text seriously. When the researcher asked them randomly to determine pronoun reference in the text, they did it enthusiastically. They actively discussed with their pairs. When the teacher gave task, they also did the task actively. It indicated that they were interested in the material of Lecfenco. However, they still needed 77 the researcher’s help in inferring implicit information. The low students were also still passive. 2 Learning Progress Optimizing the use of Lecfenco was beneficial to improve the class situation and the students’ reading comprehension. All of students were active to take part in the class activities. They participated actively to guess the meaning of new vocabularies. All students did the tasks actively. They did not just depend on their friends’ work. The class was also less noisy when the researcher explained the material. They paid attention to the material seriously. They also enjoyed the presentation, pictures and animation. They were succeeded to attract the students to read. Learning progress could be seen when students guessed the meaning of new vocabularies given. After observing visual clues presented on the LCD monitor they could give the correct meaning of the words. The progress also could be seen on the students’ ability to find detailed information of the text. They could answer questions about implicit and explicit information from the text. They could show in which sentence or in which paragraph they found the answer. They also improved well in determining reference. The use of the identical colour for the reference made them understood about reference well. They could answer almost all of the questions about reference correctly. Although the improvement was not quite significa nt, their ability to infer implicit information increased. The students’ learning progress was also described by the result of the test in Cycle 1. The distribution of the students’ score in the test was listed in Figure 4.2, Table 4.6, and Table 4.7. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 78 Figure 4.15 Students’ Score of Post-Test in Cycle 1 Based on the figure 4.2 above, it can be seen that there are still 13 students got score under 70 44.83 and 16 students got score above 70 55.17. It means that students’ reading comprehension needs improvement. Table 4.6 Students’ Score of Post-test in Cycle 1 No Explanation Student’s score of test in Cycle 1 1 Highest score 80.00 2 Lowest score 52.50 3 Mean score 70.52 Based on table 4.6 above, it can be reported that the highest score was 88.00 and the lowest score was 52.50, and the mean score was 70.52. The score were better compared to those of the pre-test. The highest score in the pre-test was same but the lowest score was 25.00 and the average score was only 54.05. The average score of the post-test in Cycle 1 was 70.52. It was more than KKM but it needed improvement because there was only 16 students got score above 70.00. Therefore, the researcher and collaborator agreed to design a plan to carry out a treatment of Cycle 2 in order to improve the students’ reading comprehension. Table 4.7 Students’ Mean Scores per Indicator for Post-test in Cycle 1 79 No Indicators Mean Score 1 General Information 74.14 2 Certain Information 70.69 3 Implicit Information 64.94 4 Explicit Information 70.85 5 Pronoun Reference 70.11 6 Communicative Purpose 71.26 7 Word Meaning 77.01 Based on Table 4.7, it is indicated that: 1 the students’ mean score for determining general information was 74.14 , 2 the students’ mean score for finding certain information was 70.69 , 3 the students’ mean score for inferring implicit information was 64.94 , 4 the students’ mean score for inferring explicit information was 70.85, 5 the students’ mean score for determining reference was 70.11, 6 the students’ mean score for determining communicative purpose was 71.26 7 the students’ mean score for determining word meaning was 77.01. Table 4.7 indicates that the ability to infer implicit information still became a problem for the students even though there was a little increase. d Reflection Based on th e researcher’s and the collaborator’s observation during the treatment of Cycle 1, the researcher could note down the strengths and weakness which appeared during the treatment of Cycle 1. 1 The strengths Teaching reading comprehension using Lecfenco was proved to be able to improve the students’ reading comprehension. When the students were asked to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 80 determine the word meaning, they could guess the words meaning by observing the visual clue presented. The mean score for determining word meaning increased from 54.02 to 77.01. The better understanding toward the vocabularies led them to a better comprehension on the text. The students could answer the questions about general information, certain information, explicit information, reference, communicative purpose, and word meaning. The mean score for the indicators above increased from previous score. The use of makers to explain how to determine pronoun reference eased the students to determine pronoun reference better. The writer give many colors for the words to relate the word meaning. To make a habit of English usage, the writer gave the meaning of the new word in English, not in Indonesian Language. The writer believe that it can make the students used to write and speak English later. Then the improvement of the treatmeant wass indicated by the increase of the students score for determining pronoun reference. The mean score for determine meaning word increased from 54.05 to 70.52. The use of Lecfenco also improved the class situation. The presentation of the picture and animation in Lecfenco as the visual clues gained students’ attention more. Therefore, their interest toward the material increased. The students were seriously paid attention to the presentation of electronic materials. They enjoyed reading the text being presented. The use of Lecfenco was beneficial in catching their interest. Based on the result of Pemantauan PBM di Kelas, the teacher score of teaching learning activity in first meeting was 4.52 baikgood and in second meeting was 4.12 baikgood. Moreover, conclusion of teaching 81 learning activity was Pembelajaran berjalan dengan baik dan siswa aktif berpartisipasi dalam pembelajaran. See appendix 4. 2 The weakness In spite of the fact that there were some benefits of the use of Lecfenco for teaching reading comprehension, the researcher and the collaborator found some weakness that appeared during the implementation Cycle 1. Based on the result of Pemantauan PBM di Kelas, the observer found that the teacher taught overtime. The observer wrote the suggestion for the first meeting on the form of Pemantauan PBM di Kelas. She wrote Waktu dipertimbangkan sebaik – baiknya and also wrote in the second meeting “Masih ada 4 siswa yang kurang memperhatikan KBM.” See appendix 4A 4B. Then for the result of post test, there was still weakness for the students to comprehend the reading text. Although many students had been active enough in the teaching and learning process, the increase of the students’ reading comprehension score was still far from the teacher’s expectation. There were only 16 students 55.17 who got score above 70. Besides, based on the observation during the implementation and the result of post-test in Cycle 1, it was identified that the students still had difficulties. One of the difficulties was they cannot infer the implicit information on the text. The mean score for inferring the implicit information in the pre-test was 56.90 increased to 64.94 in the test in Cycle 1. Although the mean score was increased but the mean score for inferring implicit information was still under the KKM. e Summary of Finding in Cycle 1 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 82 The implementation of cycle 1 was divided into two meetings and carried out in three main teaching activities namely pre-reading activity, whilst-reading activity, and post-reading activity. The two meetings were focused on the teaching of reading comprehension on procedure text. The third meeting was for the students’ reading comprehension assessment or test in Cycle 1. The result of reflection showed that optimizing the use of Lecfenco was beneficial to i mprove the students’ vocabulary mastery. The presentation of pictures eased them to determine the meaning of new vocabularies. They were not directly given the meaning of the new vocabularies. They viewed the pictures relate to the vocabularies given, analysed the pictures and made guesses about the meaning of the vocabularies. As a result, they did not forget the meaning of the new words easily. Besides, the use of various pictures gained the students’ interest. They actively made guesses about the meaning of the new vocabularies. During the meeting in Cycle 1, the students paid attention to the material being presented. Therefore, they could answer the questions based on the text correctly. Fewer students made mistakes to answer the questions. There was an increase on their ability in seventh indicators. The use of identical colours to ease the students understood about how to determine reference worked well. Most of the students could determine reference correctly. There were only two students made mistakes in determining reference. The students’ ability to infer implicit information also improved. The improvement occurred among the high students. The middle and low students were still unable to infer implicit information in a text correctly. 83 The class situation also improved in Cycle 1. The students were more ready starting the lesson. The students also more actively participated in the class. The use of electronic material in Lecfenco had successfully gained the students’ interest, so they paid attention to the materials being presented. Since the students’ interest toward the material improved, the student did not talk other topics with their pairs or friends anymore. Therefore, the class noisiness decreased. The class also became less monotonous since the teacher did not dominate the teaching and learning process. The teacher gave a little help to explain the text. The teacher did not give the correct answer directly. The teacher let the students find the answers of the questions themselves. In the reading comprehension assessment in Cycle 1, the students worked on 40 items about determining general information, finding certain information, inferring implicit information, inferring explicit information, determining reference, determining communicative purpose, and determining word meaning. The result of the test in Cycle 1 indicated an improvement toward the students’ reading comprehension since the mean score of test in Cycle 1 was better than that of the pre-test. The result of test in Cycle 1 also showed that there were 13 students 44.83 got score under 70.00 and 16 students 55.17 got scores above 70.00. The highest score was 80.00, the lowest score was 52.50 and the average score was 70.52. The mean scores for each indicator were as follow: 1 the students’ score for determining general information was 74.14 2 the students’ score for finding certain information was 70.69 3 the students’ score for inferring implicit information was 64.94 4 the students’ score for inferring explicit information was 70.85 5 the students’ score for determining reference 84 was 70.11 6 the students’ score for determining communicative purpose was 71.26 ,and 7 the students’ score for determining word meaning was 77.01.

3. Students’ Reading Comprehension in Cycle 2