How to install Lectora

35 b. Evaluation In exercise section, it presented 10 questions in the form of multiple choices and was not given a score but given comments feedback on the students answer, whether hisher answer is right or not. The comments or feedbacks consisted of two kinds for right answer and wrong answer. The feedbacks of wrong answer were please read again, no, this is not the answer, etc. Then the feedbacks of right answer were congratulation, you are right, absolutely right etc. There were two procedure texts in exercise namely how to use the rice cooker and mung bean porridge. For the evaluation section, it presented 30 questions at random, but students will only have 10 ten questions in 30 minutes. Before the read the texts and answer the questions, they have to enter their name in the space provided. There were six procedure texts provided randomly in Lecfenco. At the end of the evaluation session students gained assessment and no comments but stated pass or fail. Lecfenco is able to send assessment results via e-mail automatically or printed directly.

d. How to install Lectora

There are 9 nine steps to install the application of Lectora in our computer as below; 1. After getting the application from internet or others, we can click the application twice. Figure 2.1 Install Lectora Inspire Demo 36 In this research, the writer chooses Lectora Inspire Demo because of some reasons. They are simple, easy to get in internet and free although it ends for about three months. 2. The picture will be shown like below. We can choose the language we want to and click the language. Figure 2.2 Select the language 3. Read and understand the license agreement. After that, click I Agree button. Figure 2.3 Read and Click License Agreement 4. Then it will appear the picture below. The writer suggests to select custom type because it will provide many useful components. Then click Next. 37 Figure 2.4 Select the Type of Install 5. If we choose the custom type, we get components; flypaper, snagit, camtasia etc. The component will support when we create media of learning. Please click next. Figure 2.5 Select the optional components 6. Choose install location. We can make new destination folder in our computer. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 38 Figure 2.6 Choose Install Location 7. Lectora Inspire Demo is being installed. Some applications install in it. Figure 2.7 Lectora is being installed 8. After waiting for while, the installation finished. Then please click finish button to end the installation. 39 Figure 2.8 The installation was finished 9. Lectora is ready to used by clicking the Lectora icon. Figure 2.9 Lectora icon appears on Desktop Lectora is software of authoring tool in form of desktop base. Desktop base means that Lectora needs a certain hardware requirement but the usage of the application can be controlled by the user. The application of desktop base is run on local drive and it does not need internet as web base application. Then the operation of Lectora is faster than web base application because it does not depend on the internet condition. E. Hypothesis PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 40 After discussing the theoretical description, the hypothesis of the study is that Lecfenco can improve students’ reading comprehension of Junior High School in the 2015 – 2016 academic year. 41


This research methodology is aimed to qualify the technique and method used for this research so that the goal of this research can be achieved.

A. Setting of Research

The study was done in SMPN 2 Bambanglipuro, and the subjects of the research are the students of Grade IXD in Academic Year of 2015 – 2016. The chosen class to be the subject of the research was class IXD. This class consist of 29 students. The class was chosen as the subject of the research because most of the students still had low achievement in reading comprehension. The low achievement was showed by their scores for reading comprehension. Most of them got scores under 75.00, the minimum passing grade or Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM. Moreover, the problems of students were: 1 ident ify words’ meaning; 2 identify detailed information; 3 determine pronoun reference; and 4 infer implicit information. Students of class IXD could be classified into three categories: high, average, and low students based on the result of the pre-test. The classroom action research was conducted to overcome the students’ problem in the teaching and learning process of reading. The learning activities were done in 2 cycles and every cycle had two meetings. In conducting the research, the researcher was assisted by one of English teachers in SMPN 2 Bambanglipuro, Mrs. Nurul Hidayati, S.S.

B. Research Design

The Research Planning or the Research Design used in this research was Classroom Action Research CAR. 1. Definition of Classroom Action Research Burns 2010: 2 states that the main aims of action reserch is to identify a ‘problematic’ situation or issue that the participants – who may include teachers, students, managers, administrators, or even parents – consider worth looking into more deeply and systematically.