105 understand the procedure texts Students Students Students 2. Lecfenco can improve the students more confident 14 Students 4 Students 11 Students 3. Lecfenco can improve the students’ motivation to practice reading of procedure texts 28 Students 1 Students 4. Lecfenco can improve the students’ ability to answer the questions 24 Students Students 5 Students 5. The students know the benefit of Lecfenco’s use in reading learning. 11 Students 2 Students 16 Students Based on the table 4.13, it can be concluded that there was improvement on students’ motivation and reading comprehension. The averages of answer for choosing option A was 99 68.28, 10 6.90 for option B, and 36 24.82 for option C. The result of questionnaire can be one of the proofs that Lecfenco improve the students’ motivation and reading comprehension. The results of questionaire was in appendix 9.

B. Discussion

This research was an action research, which was optimizing the use of Lecfenco to improve students’ reading comprehension. The result of the research indicated that Lecfenco was beneficial to improve students’ reading comprehension in term of the improvement on students’ reading comprehension and the improvement on the teaching and learning process. The Lecfenco presented during the meetings were beneficial to improve students’ reading comprehension. This finding is supported by the research result stated in the test in Cycle 1 and the post test. The mean score of the students’ reading comprehension improved from 54.05 in the pre-test to 70.52 in the post- test in Cycle 1, and to 77.41 in the post-test in Cycle 2. The mean score of the post-test was above the KKM. The research result also indicated that there was PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 106 improvement on each aspect of reading comprehension. The improvements of every indicator was as follows: 1. The students’ ability to determine general information from text improved. The mean score in pre-test was 39.66 increased to 74.14 in the post-test in Cycle 1 and 75.86 in the post-test in Cycle 2. 2. The students’ ability to find certain information from text improved. The mean score in pre-test was 61.78 increased to 70.69 in the post-test in Cycle 1 and 78.16 in the post-test in Cycle 2. 3. The students’ ability to determine implicit information improved. The mean score in pre-test was 56.90 increased to 64.94 in the post-test in Cycle 1 and 76.44 in the post-test in Cycle 2. 4. The students’ ability to determine explicit information improved. The mean score in pre-test was 48.28 increased to 70.85 in the post-test in Cycle 1 and 76.49 in the post-test in Cycle 2. 5. The students’ ability to determine pronoun reference improved. The mean score in pre-test was 44.83 increased to 70.11 in the post-test in Cycle 1 and 78.16 in the post-test in Cycle 2. 6. The students’ ability to determine communicative purpose. The mean score in pre-test was 57.47 increased to 71.26 in the post-test in Cycle 1 and 79.31 in the post-test in Cycle 2. 7. The students’ ability to find word meaning. The mean score in pre-test was 54.02 increased to 77.01 in the post-test in Cycle 1 and 78.16 in the post-test in Cycle 2. The result of data analysis was in Appendix 8. 107 The improvement globally can be concluded that the improvement from pre-test to post-test in Cycle 1 was 16.4655, the improvement from post test in Cycle 1 to Post-test in Cylce 2 was 6.8966 and the improvement from pre-test to post-test in Cycle 2 was 23.3621. Appendix 8. The writer believe that if the treatment conduct more than two cycles, it can be found that the improvement of the students’ reading comprehension higher than Cycle 1 or Cycle 2. But the final goal of this research was to pass the passing grade of English subject or same with the passing grade of English subject. Beside the result of treatment can be categorized in average to good. It means that the treatment of research was success. The success occurred because the writer applied Lecfenco in teaching learning activity which Lecfenco contained the easy steps and interesting contents. Lecfenco had materials of procedure text, picture, video and exercises that can improve students’ understanding and motivation. After conducting the research, the writer got other findings. By presenting Lecfenco, students paid more attention to the materials and became more actively involved in the teaching and learning process. During the teaching and learning process, there were no students talked other topic, so the class was less noisy. The researcher also less dominated the class since he gave much opportunity to the students to discuss the materials presented. Besides, the researcher’s longer preparation to optimize the use of Lecfenco made it possible for him to manage the presentation and class better. The use of electronic material in Lecfenco had successfully gained students’ interest. Their interest toward the materials made them become more active to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 108 take part in the teaching and learning process, paid attention to the researcher’s explanation, tried to respond teacher’s questions, worked on tasks given.. Students did not talk other topic with friends or pairs. So it can be said that the use of Lecfenco can improve class situation. 109


This chapter is to conclude the result of the research and to suggest others after conducting this research. Below are the conclusion and suggestion of the research.

A. Conclusion

In this part, the researcher would like to sum up the result of the study which has been presented in the previous chapter. First question was Can the use of Lecfenco improve the English reading comprehension of Junior High School in the 2015-2016 academic year? After implementing Lecfenco, the writer can concluded that Lecfenco can improve the English reading comprehension of Junior High School in the 2015-2016 academic year. The improvement was proved by the score of post test. The score of all seven elements of reading comprehension that covered determining the general information 75.86, finding out certain information 78.16, finding implicit information 76.44, determining explicit information 76.49, determining pronoun reference 78.16, determining communicative purpose 79.31, and determining word meaning 78.16. The mean score for determining the general information, finding out certain information, finding implicit information, identifying explicit information, determining pronoun reference, determining communicative purpose; and identifying word meaning was above the KKM. The highest mean score was that for determining communicative purpose. The lowest mean score was that for general information. The mean score of the pre test was above the KKM. Therefore, the researcher would like to say that by optimizing the use of Lecfenco in teaching reading can improve the students’ reading. Based