Planning the Lesson Material Planning

46 The study was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. Steps described in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 Overview of research No Steps Cycle 1 two meeting Cycle 2 two meetings

1 Planning

Based on the problems of students, researcher plan to develop the reading skills of students Based on the reflection on the cycle 1, the researcher revised the plan to address the weaknesses identified in cycle 1. Results of cycle 1 as consideration in the planning cycle 2 2 Action Researcher applied Lecfenco to increase students reading comprehension researchers applied action based on the revised plan 3 Observation Researcher observed the learning process and provide a test to see the effect of the Lecfenco use in reading activities in the classroom Researcher observed the learning process and provide a test to see the effects of the use of the reading activities in the classroom 4 Reflecting Researcher and collaborators discussed the increase in cycle 1 and identify the strengths and weaknesses of activity in cycle 1 Based on the observations, the researcher recorded how and whether Lecfenco can improve reading skills of students. In addition, researcher also noted what happens in the classroom when Lecfenco applied Besides that, the researcher also very carefully planned the activities, prepared the media and set up the assessment as the criteria of success in the strategy of making Lecfenco.

a. Planning the Lesson

The Lesson Planning covered the activities as follows appendix 1: 1 Identify the Standard of Competence and Based Competence SK 5 KD 5.3; Table 3.2 Standard and Based Competence of Reading Comprehension SK 5 Reading 5. Understanding meaning of written functional texts and simple procedure and report texts in daily contexts. KD 5.3 5.3 Responding the meaning and rhetorical steps of short functional texts and procedure and report texts accurately, fluently and appropriately in daily contexts. 2 Determine the indicators and the objectives of the learning; 3 Prepare the material and media in the form of Power Point like in Lecfenco; 47 4 Plan the steps in the learning activities for 2x 40 minutes for teaching learning of Procedure Texts in Stages of Before and During Reading Activities and prepares 10 exercises for procedure texts in Stage of After Reading Activities; 5 Set up the assessment evaluation referred to the indicators that also used as criteria of success.

b. Material Planning

The materials in both cycles of the study were authentic reading texts in the form of Procedure text. The researcher found the texts from some resources like text-books, LKS students’ worksheet and internet. There were some texts of Procedure for the stages of During Reading activities to provide model of the texts. And there were also some texts of Procedure Texts for the stage of After Reading Activity. Then the researcher created questions to test the students’ comprehension in the form of Multiple Choice in the stage of During Reading and After Reading Activities There are two learning media for the first meeting and the second meeting. Firstly, the writer writes Garis-Garis Besar Isi Program Media GBIPM : Program Multimedia Pembelajaran Interaktif appendix 2. After that, the writer writes storyboard of Lecfenco to make learning media easier and correctly. The storyboard of Lecfenco was in appendix 3.

c. Media Planning