Developing the Preliminary Form of Product

36 English advertisement, announcement, and invitation in newspaper, magazines, and internet. Meanwhile, the audio scripts were created. c. Mapping the related knowledge The knowledge included generic structure and language features of short functional texts in a form of advertisements, announcement, and invitation, gambits in responding invitation, kinds of advertisement and announcement, etc.

C. Developing the Preliminary Form of Product

There were four important elements in developing the preliminary form of product. The product here was the instructional materials. The elements were syllabus, learning program plan, and the developing of instructional materials on short functional texts. The following figure shows how the instructional materials were developed. Figure 3.2 The Development of Instructional Materials Spoken Cycle Written Cycle Four stages Learning Program Plans Syllabus Instructional materials on short functional texts Four stages Exercises Designing the Instructional Materials PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 37 1. Syllabus Syllabus is important in teaching that it gives clarification of materials will be given, in order to achieve the competency standard and basic competency. According to the guideline of School­Based Curriculum Depdiknas, 2006, there are eight components which are interrelated. They are competency standard, basic competence, subject matters, indicator, learning activities, assessment, time allocation, and sources.

2. Learning Program Plan

It is important for the teacher to make learning program plan before teaching. This learning program plan describes the procedure and organization of teaching learning activities to achieve the basic competence. Through this plan, teachers are helped in conducting teaching learning activities. There should be at least five components including learning purposes, subject matters, methods, reference, and assessment. This learning program plan is also considered as a guideline in designing the instructional materials.

3. Developing the Instructional Materials on Short Functional Texts

The instructional materials were divided into two cycles. They are spoken and written cycles Figure 3.2. There will be four stages developed in each cycle. The stages are building the context, modeling and deconstructing the text, joint construction of the text, and independent construction of the text. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 38 Each stage stated above will consist of exercises which help students improve their skills from dependent into independent performance. The exercises designed based on the stages determined. Those cycles and stages were applied

D. Interviewing Participants