Short Functional Text Theoretical Description

22 and Written Language Halliday 1985, as quoted by Agustien 2005, identifies that spoken language is characterized by grammatical intricacy; it contains many clauses with all kind of paratactic and hypotactic relations; it uses personal pronouns as subject, etc. In contrast, written language is characterized by lexical density; it uses noun phrases to realize subjects and objects; it often uses passive construction, etc. In the new curriculum, the differences and similarities of spoken and written language consider significant, because people learn spoken language first before they learn the written version Agustien, 2005. Hence, learners are expected to start from the spoken version and end up with written language.

2.1.5. Short Functional Text

According to the scopes of School–Based Curriculum for Senior High School, students should have ability to comprehend and create many kinds of short functional text Depdiknas, 2006. In this study, short functional text defined as a text that has practical function in helping human accomplishing their everyday life tasks. It is an authentic material used in teaching learning activities. The short functional texts can be in a form of notices, cards, posters, invitations, advertisements, etc. In this study, the texts are presented in a form of advertisement, announcement, and invitation. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 23 The following are some characteristics of advertisement, including the definition and purpose, and kinds of advertisement. Purpose of Advertisement

According to Amstell 1989 as cited by Marlina 2006, the most important purpose of advertisement is to deliver message or information to an audience for one reason or another, in order to influence and persuade them to believe or get interested in what is being advertised or offered. Advertisement is used as a medium to persuade or influence an audience. Kinds of Advertisement

Bovee 1986, as cited by Widyatama 2007 classified advertisement into several categories. Two important classifications are advertisement based on its purpose, and advertisement based on its media. a Advertisement based on its Purpose Based on its purpose, advertisement is categorized in a type of commercial and social advertisement. 1 Commercial Advertisement Commercial advertisement is aimed to get economicalcommercial profit. The commercial advertisement is intended for the last consumer, institutions, or professionals. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 24 2 Public Service Advertisement Public Service Advertisement PSA aimed to get social benefit which can be seen from society development. The most popular social advertisement recently is dealing with education and environment. b Advertisement based on its Media Based on its media, there are two major categories of advertisement. First is above the line advertisement, including printed and electronic media such as newspaper, magazine, radio, television, and internet advertisement. Second is below the line advertisement, including poster, banner, etc. The other classifications according to Widyatama 2007: 79 are printed and electronic advertisement. The printed advertisement is existing in a form of line ad, column ad, display, and advertorial. Whereas the electronic advertisement presented in a form of radio ad including ad lib, spot, and sponsor program, and television advertisement including live action, animation, stop action, music, superimposed, backdrop, etc. Language in Advertisement

The language of advertisement should be simple, well arranged, effective, and communicative, so that the advertisements are easy to be understood Wells, 1985. Most of advertisements depends on language to accomplish their purpose, to be able to grab the readers’ or the audiences’ attention. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 25 Both in spoken and written advertisements, language have specific functions. It is impossible to produce radio advertisement without language, and even an interesting video easy to understand without any language. Language of advertisement must be persuasive, either in style of narrative, descriptive, or expository. Based on Wiki Online Dictionary 2010, the words ‘to announce’ means to make known. Furthermore, announcement in this study can be defined as something said, written or printed to make known what has happened or what will happen. An announcement generally consists of title or type of event, date or time or place, and contact person. Announcement can also be in a form of obituary, congratulation letter, etc. According to Sudaryanto 2009, invitation has its purpose to invite someone to attend an occasion. Five parts should be present on an invitation are the addressee, salutation, the message, and the sender. Therefore, invitation has requirements as follows. 1 It should have an accurate addressee. 2 It gives clear time, place, and activity. 3 It express that the writer is looking forward to seeing person. 4 If there is a dress code, state it in the lower left­hand corner. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 26 2.1.6. Banathy’s Instructional Design Model Referring to Banathy 1976, education is a system, and a system contains subsystem. It can be implied that an instructional material is a system of education system. As a system is built upon three components, that are purpose, content, and process, there are six major parts in instructional system Banathy, 1976:17 .They are: 1 Formulating objectives Specifying a statement that spells out what we expect the learners to do, know, and feel as a result of his learning experience. 2 Developing test The test is develop based on the objectives and used to test terminal proficiency. 3 Analyzing learning task To find out what should be learned by the students. It consists of three parts: a the analysis of inventory of the learning task b the assessment testing and input competence c the identification and the actual learning task 4 Designing the system Develop a system which consists of four major strategies: a Functional analysis b Component analysis c Distribution of function among components d Scheduling of when and where the activity will be done PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 27 5 Implementation and testing The system designed are tested, implemented, installed, and evaluated. 6 Changing to improve the system The findings of the evaluation are fed back into the system to see what changes –if any­ are needed to improve the system. Figure 2.5 Banathy’s Instructional Design Diagram

2.1.7. Educational Research and Development