Absalom’ Crime The Causes of Stephen Kumalo’s Conflicts

street. Tixo, he says, Tixo, forsake me not. Father vincent’s words come back to him, anything, anything, he said, you have only to ask. Then to Father Vincent he will go. p. 92” “Kumalo returned to Mrs Lithebe’s tired and dispirited. The two women were silent, and he had no desire to speak to them, and none to play with his small nephew. He with drew into his room, and sat silent there, waiting till he could summon strength enough to go to the Mission House. p. 92”

d. Ndotsheni’s Dry Season

Ndotsheni is a village in province Natal where Kumalo lives and works as a priest. Through many conflicts in his life, thinking about the restoration of his village cause him conflicts also. For he believes that as a Christian, suffering is a part of his life. “Kumalo looked at him under the light of the lamp. I believe, he said, but I have learned that it is a secret. Pain and suffering, they are a secret. Kindness and love, they are a secret. But I have learned that kindness and love can pay for pain and suffering. There is my wife, and you, my friend, and these people who welcomed me, and the child who is so eager to be with us here in Ndotsheni – so in my suffering I can believe. p. 193” Especially when he sees many child die because they do not have milk to drink because their parents are poor. p. 201-202 “Ndotsheni became lacks of water because of the drought. People cannot plough the land because it is dry and they have no water irrigate their farm. Their cattle did not get enough food to grow. This situation have been occurred for many years in Ndotsheni. p. 195” Kumalo lives in Ndotsheni for most part of his live, he has seen many things happen there but what makes him struggle for the land is the drought seasons that happens every year and causes many children die. At the end of the story, Kumalo prays for the restoration of Ndotsheni and the rain comes. It makes Kumalo relief and the pain lift up, the children also receives milk from the Jarvis family p. 195-210.

C. Paton’s Social Criticism of South African Society as reflected in Kumalo’s Conflicts

. In this section, the conflicts and the causes of the conflicts faced by the main character are very important subject to describe what the author wants to show through his novel Cry, the Beloved Country. The causes of the conflicts will give a brief definition what Paton wants to show toward his novel Cry, the Beloved Country. Stephen Kumalo’s conflicts were the way of Paton describing the social condition of South Africa in the early 20 th century. Paton criticizes many things about social condition happen in society at that time, such as moral, law, politics and economy which will answer problem formulation number three. First social criticism is what Kumalo’s experience dealing with his sister Gertrude. Gertrude reported ill which makes Kumalo conflicts when he knew that Gertrude has become a prostitute. Through this conflicts Paton criticizing the moral condition in South African society. Gertrude came to Johannesburg from Ndotsheni to look for her husband but after some years in Johannesburg she turns to be a prostitute because of the condition in Johannesburg is different from Ndotsheni. The way of living in Johannesburg is different from the tribal culture in Ndotsheni which can cause someone to put down moral that someone used to had PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI