Interview Research Instruments .1 Questionnaire

88 Table 3.11 User Validation Questionnaire Blueprint for the Main Field Testing Target Participant Aspect Question Type Number of Items in the Questionnaire 10 students from class 2C and 2D Material presentation in the portal Close-ended 1-8 For the sake of efficiency, the details question words of each questionnaire are presented in the Appendices section of this thesis. Furthermore, the details of the data collection procedures are presented in Table 3.12.

3.3.2 Interview

Besides using questionnaire to gather the data needed in this research, the researcher also conducted an interview with certain participant. The researcher interviewed the Coordinator of PPBA to find out the goals and objectives of ICE programs, the nature of ICE classes, the challenges in ICE programs and the students‟ real needs. This interview was aimed to gain necessary information about the nature of ICE classes toward the online supplementary material to the targeted users. Table 3.12 summarizes the information about the research instrument and data collections. 89 Table 3.12 Research Instrument and Data Collections Instruments Items Participant s Time Data Obtained Aim Research Problem Needs Analysis Questionnaire 1 st Batch of ICE Students 39 close- ended questions 32 ICE students in Level 2 from class 2C and 2D in July 2012, in the Research and Informatio n Collecting stage Descriptions of the students‟ type of learning, the students‟ background, the students‟ need in using the online material in ICE class To design the theoretic al learning model. Research Question 1 Needs Analysis Questionnaire 2 nd Batch of ICE Students 39 close- ended questions and choosing preferred features and external widgets 41 ICE students in Level 2 from class 2C and 2E January 2013, Needs Analysis Questionnaire ICE Lecturers Interview 21 close- ended questions and 5 open- ended questions 5 open- ended questions 4 ICE lecturers at PPBA of Duta Wacana Christian University The coordinator of PPBA in July 2012, in the Research and Informatio n Collecting stage. The information about the lecturer‟s opinion regarding the nature of ICE class, the syllabus, the teaching system, the use of multimedia in teaching and the student‟s motivation . Questionnaire for User Validation 18 close- ended questions 41 students of ICE in Level 2 from class 2C and 2E In May 2013, in the Main Field Testing The overall feedback, comments and To improve the revised Researc 90 phase suggestions from the students as the users of the portal initial iconic learning model into the final learning model. h Question 2 Questionnaire for Expert Validation 30 close- ended questions and 3 open- ended questions 4 lecturers of ICE classes and one native speaker teacher in ICE programs In March 2013, in the Preliminary Field Testing phase The overall feedback, comments and suggestions from the experts to the designed learning model. To revise the initial iconic learning model. Research Question 2 Questionnaire for User Validation 8 open- ended questions 10 students of ICE in Level 2 from class 2C and 2E In August 2013, in the Main Field Testing phase In-depth information from the students‟ response on the implementati on of the portal To implem ent the final version of the iconic model Research Question 2

3.4 Data Gathering Technique