Main Field Testing Making User Interfaces and defining Page Behavior

130 providing the material in the form of MS Office, PDF Files or Power Point Presentation Slides.

4.1.6 Main Field Testing

After conducting the necessary revision, the learning model was then implemented to the targeted users. Next, the researcher chose 10 students to experience the final version of the iconic product. After that, the researcher distributed another user validation questionnaire in the form of open-ended questions. From the information in the questionnaire and interview, the result implied that the students had some benefits by using Moodle as an online supplementary material in ICE class level 2. The students agreed that the portal had given an interesting experience in using the Internet as the device to improve their English mastery, especially for some topics given in ICE class. The portal was easy to be accessed through the contents and its easy navigation. The students‟ interaction with the lecturers and their peer was getting better. However, at the beginning of the implementation, the students found some difficulties regarding with the Internet connection and computer skill. Not all of the students had good Internet connection. There should be a high-qualified computer and server. Besides, good Internet provider should be chosen to avoid frustrating situation in downloading the material from the portal. Based on the suggestions from the students, the researcher improved the user interface in the home page by eliminating some widgets so that it will look simpler. The researcher excluded the tickers and also BBC Radio widgets. 131


The conclusions and suggestions of the Research and the Development part are presented in this chapter. The conclusion is the summary of the planned and the actual research procedure. Then, in the second part, the researcher presented some suggestion regarding with designing online material using Moodle application.

5.1 Conclusions

The study was aimed to design a Moodle Learning Model for Introduction to College English ICE. In this study, the researcher formulated two problems. Those problems were: a What is the theoretical model of the Moodle learning model for ICE class Level 2 like? And b What is the iconic model of the Moodle learning model for ICE class Level 2 like? In order to answer the first question, the first two steps of R D that integrated the Analysis and Design phases of ADDIE were conducted. The first step for the Research part is Research and Information Collecting that includes the Analysis phase of ADDIE. Necessary data on the nature of ICE classes, CALL, the adult learning principles, the theory of instructional design and Moodle were collected from the books, the internet and the syllabus that was provided by PPBA at Duta Wacana Christian University. The researcher managed the goals, objectives, and topics of the materials in accordance with the curriculum and syllabus in ICE Level 2 in designing the content in the Moodle Learning Model.