Research Limitation Research Questions

9 Based on the background of the study and realizing the fact that some students still fail in ICE classes, then the researcher was motivated to improve the teaching-learning process in ICE classes. The new paradigm in teaching –learning method using ICT, especially the Internet, is believed as a breakthrough which can overcome the problems in ICE classes. The concept of “blended learning” is applied. The researcher integrated the material used in class ICE Class Level 2 with the use of ICT in an Open Source Website called Moodle. The approach of language learning used in PPBA is Communicative Language Teaching CLT. The emphasis of teaching English at PPBA is the communicative functions which are expressed and performed with language. The class activities involve the ICE students in realistic communication such as in role-play and simulation. Harmer 2007: 69 states that plentiful exposure to language in use and plenty of opportunities to use it are vitally important for a stude nt‟s development of knowledge and skill. Then, the researcher proposed Moodle learning model as a supplementary material in ICE classes as one of the media for the students to expose the language more outside class.

1.3 Research Limitation

Some limitations are established in order to be more specific in conducting the research and to formulate the particular problems easier. This research covers the area of materials development and the implementation of the materials to users. The researcher proposed an online supplementary material to support the material given in class using Moodle application. The designed learning model is intended for the improvement of the teaching learning process in ICE class level 10 2. The materials in Moodle application that would be discussed in this thesis were only for 3 topics given in level 2. The goals, objectives and topics of the materials are arranged in accordance with the syllabus as formulated by the material coordinator of Level 2 and it has been approved by the coordinator of PPBA. Actually, there were some classes offered in ICE program in each level per semester. However, the research only used four ICE classes in level 2. The research was started in the odd semester period in July-December 2012 and was continued for the even semester period in January-May 2013 in ICE classes level 2. The researcher only used two classes of ICE class level 2 offered in the odd semester in July – December 2012, namely: 2C and 2D classes. For the even semester period in January-May 2013, the researcher used 2 classes of ICE class Level 2, namely: 2C and 2E classes. Then, the researcher gave the students an opportunity to use the suggested supplementary material and negotiated the feedback from the students and the other lecturers.

1.4 Research Questions

As it has been discussed in the background that ICE students still have some difficulties in learning English in ICE classes, this research is aimed to find the answers of these two questions namely: 1. What is the theoretical model of the Moodle learning model for ICE class Level 2 like? 2. What is the iconic model of the Moodle learning model for ICE class Level 2 like? 11

1.5 Research Objectives