Data Gathering Technique METHODOLOGY

90 phase suggestions from the students as the users of the portal initial iconic learning model into the final learning model. h Question 2 Questionnaire for Expert Validation 30 close- ended questions and 3 open- ended questions 4 lecturers of ICE classes and one native speaker teacher in ICE programs In March 2013, in the Preliminary Field Testing phase The overall feedback, comments and suggestions from the experts to the designed learning model. To revise the initial iconic learning model. Research Question 2 Questionnaire for User Validation 8 open- ended questions 10 students of ICE in Level 2 from class 2C and 2E In August 2013, in the Main Field Testing phase In-depth information from the students‟ response on the implementati on of the portal To implem ent the final version of the iconic model Research Question 2

3.4 Data Gathering Technique

As mentioned previously, there were two instruments which were used in collecting the data for this research. The research was conducted in April 2012 until September 2013 in Center for Foreign Language Training PPBA at Duta Wacana Christian University, Yogyakarta. This research was aimed to present the theoretical model and to develop the iconic model of an online supplementary material for ICE class level 2 utilizing Moodle application. To obtain the data, the researcher administered some surveys by distributing some questionnaires to the participants. The data gathering technique was described as follows: 91 1. The data for need analysis stage First, before the materials were designed, the data were gathered from the literature review conducted by the researcher. The researcher interviewed the Coordinator of PPBA. After that, the researcher continued to get the data by distributing the questionnaire to four ICE lecturers at PPBA of Duta Wacana Christian University. The researcher also collected the data from the ICE students level 2. The data were gathered in two batches. In the first batch, the data gathered from 32 ICE students in Level 2 from class 2C and 2D. The students had to fill in the questionnaire which consisted of 39 items of close-ended questions. In this step, besides gathering the necessary information needed, the researcher also tested the validity and the reliability of the questionnaire. After the questionnaire was proved to be valid and reliable, the researcher then distributed the same questionnaire to 41 ICE students in Level 2 from class 2C and 2E. Here, the researcher added another part in the questionnaire that was pooling session about the students‟ preference in Moodle features and external widget that would be included in the portal. Furthermore, in order to get more information for the need analysis step, the researcher distributed a questionnaire to four ICE lecturers at PPBA which consisted of 21 close-ended questions and 5 open-ended questions. The data became the basis of planning and designing the portal using Moodle for ICE class level 2. 92 2. The data for the preliminary field testing stage In this stage, the data were gathered by distributing the user validation questionnaire which consisted of 18 close-ended questions to 41 students of ICE in Level 2 from class 2C and 2E. The data was also gathered from the expert validation questionnaire in the Development part, during the preliminary field testing stage. The researcher distributed the expert validation questionnaire which consisted of 30 close-ended questions and 3open-ended questions to four ICE lecturers and one native speaker teacher at PPBA of Duta Wacana Christian University. 3. The data for the main field testing stage After that, the researcher chose ten students randomly and asked them to fill in an open-ended questionnaire to gather more in-depth information about the students‟ response towards the implementation of the portal as the online supplementary material in ICE class level 2. Then, those data were to improve the portal into a better online learning model for ICE program. Those techniques were used to gather the data in order to answer the research questions proposed in the problem formulation in chapter 1.

3.5 Data Analysis Technique