Reading aloud Classroom Techniques Used in Teaching Reading

a. Reading aloud

Based on the observation of teaching and learning activity did Thursday, February 04, 2016, English lesson, at 13.10 – 14.30 WIB the researcher found that the English teacher Dra. Sri Widayati usually used reading aloud as her technique. Students took reading sections of passage, play, or dialog out loud. The teacher used gestures, pictures, regalia, or other, and the students found the meaning of the section based on the teacher said. The students listened for what the teacher said, and the students followed to read aloud focusing on how they heard in teacher’s saying the words or sentences, teacher and learner might profit from sharing knowledge of particular topics. Reading aloud was simplified what the teacher read orally to the students. A kind of print sources was read by the teacher such as caution, announcement, letter, etc. While the teacher read the text, the students listened actively based in the material, and comprehend what they heard. Reading aloud was applied in order that the students can be able to pronounce words, phrases and sentences correctly . The teacher read out aloud some words to the students from handbook or power point. In this section, the teacher asked the students to read the text loudly in sentence or paragraph. While the students read loudly, the teacher also corrected the student pronunciation, and intonation. The aim of reading aloud is to help the students to develop new vocabulary. Reading aloud by the teacher make the students free to listen, imagine, and enjoy the process of learning, and after that they can practice it clearly, so they can pronounce correctly and get new vocabulary. Example: T : “ok...Fikri please read the text from Mr. till Saiful Tugimin..., start now” S : “Mr. And Mrs. Rob Anderson , Request the honour ” T : “HONOR” S : “Request the honor of Miss Amalia Rozaq’s kompany ” T : “COMPANY” S : “Rozaq’s company at the marriage of Michaele Sarah and Saiful Tugimin.” T : “ok...very good, give applause for Fikri Taken by the observation on February 4, 2016 Taken from observation on February 04, 2016

b. Question and answer technique