Question and answer technique

b. Question and answer technique

Based on the observation in teaching and learning activity did Thursday, February 11, 2016, English lesson, at 13.10 – 14.30 WIB and Thursday, February 17, 2016, the researcher found that the English teachers who used the technique were Dra. Sri Widayati and Dra.Hj. Savri Indiani Soeharno, M.Pd, the result in the observation was taken from class seventh E VII E and eight C VIII C. This exercise was conducted only in the target language. Students had good respond in question and answer technique which they should read the text in full sentences, so they practiced in new words and grammatical structure. Question and answer technique means that the teacher gave some questions or tasks for the students to be answered. Question and answer technique was a form of active learning that had a place within reading classroom activity. Questions were asked by the teacher in order that the students were more fully participating in lesson and guiding them to get more understanding of the material. Question was asked to the students to offer a chance to clarify material and they gave feedback for the teacher. Answering question was an important step focusing on the main part of reading to know the messages of the text. Here, the question was as question for verification of the text which the information was understood by the students. It was a kind of technique which was applied by the teacher to develop student’s reading skill. In this technique, the teacher gave a text and task to the students about the text and asked them for answering the questions in groups or individual. The purpose of this activity is to know the student’s capability to answer the question. The students can share their ideas or opinions to know how their ways to solve the problem. Example: The teacher shows the slide, in the slide there is a passage about announcement. It is information of holiday camp on next month at Ngadilawu for three days T= please, looking for the information in the slide When will the activity be held? S= The activity will be held for next month. T= How many days the activity will be held? S= The activity will be held for three days. Taken by the observation on February 11, 2016 S : “ Do not swim in this area when it is dangerous” T : “it is right.., ok Novi pleas answer it” S : “the caution may be found at the dangerous areas in the following places, EXCEPT... ponds” T : “really? Ok, no swimming itu tempatnya dimana ?,pilihannya kan beaches, rivers, ponds, bath rooms, jadi yang pasti itu jawabanya?” S : “bath room” Taken by the observation on February 17, 2016 Taken by the observation on February 17, 2016

c. Silent Reading