Definition of learning THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

12 as by reading, investigation, or reflection 6 . While the term learning as stated above is active and passive process of relating new meaning. Learning is also a process influenced by the use to which the learning might be put. It is also a brain process in order to get new experience from surrounding. From the definition above, it concludes that studying is an activity that have done on purpose, it has a goal to remember, to apply something, to take a course, to read, to acquire etcetera. The three term of studying are kinds of activities in learning. From this explanation it concludes that studying is under the flag of learning, studying is one of activity in learning, the term studying is narrower than learning, the term process in learning could be studying therefore the term learning is broader than studying.

B. Factors Effecting Learning

According to Sadker Sadker stated three points of factors affecting on student’s individual learning style: 1. Cognitive. cognitive information processing. Individuals have different ways of perceiving, organizing, and retaining information, all components of the cognitive domain. In other words some students prefer to learn by reading and looking at material, while others need to listen and hear information spoken aloud, still others best learn kinesthetically, by whole body movement and participation. 2. Affective attitudes. Individuals bring different levels of motivation to learning, and the intensity level of this motivation is a critical determinant of learning style. Other aspect of the affective domain includes attitudes, values, and emotions, factors that influence curiousity, the ability to tolerate and overcome frustration, and the willingness to take risk. 3. Physiology . It is related with student’s physical or condition, clearly a student who is hungry and tired will not learn as effectively as a well-nourished and rested child. Others factors related to this physiological factor such as different body rhythm cause some students 6 Collin son, William Collins English Dictionary, Complete and Unabridged 10 th edition, William Collins son Co. Ltd, 2009 13 learn better in the day, while others are night owls. Some students can sit still for long periods of time, while others need to get up and move around. Light, sound, and temperature are another factors to which students respond differently based on their physiology 7 . Cognitive is the way an information is accepted or how that information is recognized in our brain also how our brain process that information which grant us output, this output could give different attitude. For instance, in learning addition the students could study by drawing two apples plus three apples visual, or they could study by listening audio the teacher explanation how to work with addition or even they can use their finger kinesthetic to deal with it, or the combination between drawing and listening audio-visual. This difference makes the students different in form of their learning style, however this difference doesn’t make one better than the others. The information accepted bring output and different attitude which means it changes the unknown behavior become known behavior or from not understand to understand. Affective factors also take important role in forming the learning style, since motivation, attitudes, values, emotion, self control are part of sense of feeling which distribute to someone performance. For instance, students which live in a like-reading dormitory situation will give motivation for that student to read, this situation will lead to visual non verbal learning style, or even a student which lives in love- art situation will give impact to student to be a visual learning style. This non-physical situation leads the student to form different learning style. Physiology is sensible factors in learning style. Sadker and Sadker talked about habit and situation which changes someone learning style, a night owl writer could not write in the day and conversely a day writer could not write at night. A tired student can’t study effectively while well-nourished student will receive the lesson effectively, or one student could sit in front of the screen while for hours but for other it need to walk and sit again per hour. 7 Sadker, Myra Pollack Sadker, David Miller, Teachers, School, and Society. NY: Mc.Graw Hill, 2005, p. 36. 14 According to Bukhori, the elements influencing student’s learning styles are environment, emotion, physiology, psychology. While individual learning style responds to elements of climate, resources and approaches in teaching and learning. 8 an article added about this, there are some ways to adapt the environment to accommodate the learning style of students:

1. Noise. Students who prefer a quiet, relaxed work environment for

independent study are provided with individual desks or carrels and are allowed to listen to soft music. Those students who wish total quiet are provided headphones without cords. 2. Light. Many students prefer to work with less light, particularly to avoid the glare of fluorescent lighting. Separate switches control several banks of lights in the classroom. Some banks have had all but one fluorescent tube removed. For those concerned about the effects of reduced lighting on students’ eyes.

3. Temperature. Mental work is done most effectively in a cool

environment. Thermostats are set to 65 degrees. Students who prefer a warmer classroom are urged to wear sweaters, and those who prefer a cooler classroom are urged to wear layered clothing. 4. Design. The aesthetics of the learning environment can affect students’ perceptions about learning negatively or positively. A neat, clean, graffiti-free classroom is essential. The walls are painted in pleasing pastel colors, and wall decorations show the work of serious students. Evidence of work related to the content and performance standards is displayed prominently. 5. Sociological stimuli. Students are engaged in learning activities emphasizing independent work. They work in pairs and in small groups. Those who need special supervision by the teacher e.g., vision-impaired, hearing-impaired, and emotionally troubled students are seated near the front of the room or near the teacher’s desk. 8 Mohamad Bokhori, Learning Styles and Personality as Factors Affecting Academic Performance Among Student of Different Ethnicity, Journal of Human Capital Development, Vol.,4 No. 1 Jan-June 2011, p. 91