information from television or internet is also the facts that colorful followed the minimum of information to acquire the knowledge. The focus of this study is then exploring English learning in Junior high school. There is one main reason why the researcher put her choices on this education level. First, the researcher has spent her professional career teaching at junior high school and really wants to help classroom to be more positive climate in teaching learning process.


Reflected to the background of the study then researcher formulate the problem with important question: How can Local Text with scanning improve students‘ reading ability?


In this research the coverage of local text is limited to the learning reading of English. This study is action research and the main data were taken from questionnaire and interview with students and the result were not input into numbers. Interviews were conducted to ten students. Interpreting result of the study should also be considered. Firstly, action research study works on insightful understanding of actual practice of local text, the participants were limited. The result of interpretation, therefore, cannot be used to draw a conclusion on world reality in Indonesia context. Secondly, because of the limited time, the interviews were done in Jayapura as the writer‘s address, and a few participants only were involved. This study did not cover the whole aspects in doing local text such as gender, geographical region. Thirdly, there might be misinterpretation in the process of transforming into written English dialogue occurred, because the interviews are done by using two languages.


It will be clearly define research goal. The goal of this study is to improve English teaching and learning so that can help students to improve their reading ability.


This study contributed to the teachers‘ experiences as they progress through the training and implementation cycle of action research in their classrooms and the subsequent effects on instructional practices. In addition, the finding of this study can help teachers to predict how the local text takes part in their students‘ reading improvement. If those benefits are reached, the problem of students‘ reading can be controlled by the teachers or students themselves. Schlechty 1990 stated, ―to improve [schooling], one must invest in people, support people, and develo p people‖ p. 38. Teachers can be liberated to improve their profession with opportunities that promote systemic, collaborative teacher research conducted in the authentic setting of the classroom. Teachers also can use teacher research to uncover explanations to their own questions about the best way to improve English teaching and learning practices. Johnson 1993 stated ―teacher research will force the reevaluation of current theories and will significantly influence what is known about teaching, learning, and schooling‖ p. 3. Likewise, Freeman 1998 stated ―[teacher research] is an important step in transforming education from a practice of implementation to a practice devoted to understanding learning‖ p. 15. This study will help teachers to understand how local text influences the processes of teaching and learning. It is critical that teachers base their decisions about teaching and learning practices in data-driven, classroom-based research findings. Educators know that English language rates must improve to better students‘ chances of future success. Ultimately, the most important issues on this study are because of students awareness to improve their learning reading, because of teacher awareness to select reading texts and technique to teach and also the researcher was ready to know and together with students and teacher to effort to solve the problem in this research. The researcher believes all teachers in a school can positively influence student achievement and that English teacher can play a significant role in English language development. The school community may also benefit from this study because improving English language rates is this school-based objective. Pleasure readers are proficient readers; thus, voluntary reading is an indicator of a successful, literate future. This action resear ch focused on improving students‘ reading ability and helped the teacher researcher identify practical strategies that she can use as an English teacher to contribute to English language development. Action research uses data to improve practice Delong, Black Wideman, 2005. In this school committee and across the province, teachers and English teachers are encouraged to collect data to inform their practice. Action research uses cycles of action, data collection and reflection to generate new questions about practice and areas for improvement. In this study, the periodic collection of students‘ achievement results was used to help assess the teacher researcher effective teaching of the targeted reading strategies. 8