identified with an asterisk. The findings for each student from the quantitative and qualitative data are then presented in the paragraphs which follow the table. The students‘ behaviors are described and examples are provided to demonstrate their learning reading attitudes and self-perception as readers.

1. Amora

Amora enjoyed coming out of class to participate in the classroom with other his friends and the researcher. He was often the first to arrive and he was an enthusiastic participant. He presented as a quiet and thoughtful student who appeared sensitive to criticism from his peers. He responded very well to positive reinforcement and praise from others. Amora ability attempted all tasks. He was often easily distracted by others, and this sometimes interfered with his learning. Table 4.1 Data collection summary or Amora data collected Jan Feb March April attendance of in study 100 100 time in school in class 93 94 reading ability L. Process 62 68 L. Outcome 1 1 2 Ss treatment LT with sc 53.8 70 statistic LT with sk 4 5 miscue errors 50 47 indicates improvement, LT = Local Text, sc = scanning; sk = skimming Table 4.1 displays the quantifiable data collected from January to March 2011, regarding Amora‘s attitudes and his achievements. Amora showed improvement in many areas over the course of the study. His attendance in class and his reading ability on successive learning process improved and he maintained a reading ability score of level 2 on his learning outcome. Amora‘ reading ability 70 of the using local text with scanning compared to only 53 of the using it before. He slightly increased his ability in skimming during the study. Amora made somewhat fewer errors that affected meaning during his over the shoulder miscue analysis assessment. By the end of the study, Amora stated on this investigation that ―For me, all English questions are easy and I can answer the questions if the English words are easy and familiar‖ “Bagi saya pertanyaan-pertanyaan dalam bahasa Inggris mudah dan bisa saya jawab, sepanjang kata-kata bahasa Inggrisnya mudah dan saya kenal.” Some concerns noted about Amora ‘s progress related to his ability to read effectively and communicate clearly in Indonesian language about what he reads. He had difficulty organizing his thoughts on paper if there was no oral discussion beforehand. He required his English teacher support to complete written tasks. For example, he often needed the researcher encouragement to start his first couple of sentences to confirm he had the right idea. Amora preferred to do the task to when performing learning a reading text task but rarely followed along or visually tracked the text as others read. He believed a good learner ―learn every day‖ but felt that ―learning reading is boring.‖ He expressed that he was not a good learner because he did not have interesting reading texts at home to read and try to do the task. He stated simplistic reading strategies to solving reading problems. For example, ―I just skip the word if I don‘t know it.‖

2. Blandina