Legal Authoritative Third-Party Decision Making 1 Judicial Approach

have significant utility for individuals. In this approach, the decision regarding the outcome is made by another win-lose process. It probably uses voting. The process of legislative approach to the problem solving might take a long time Moore 34 -35.

4. Extralegal Coerced Decision Making

This approach deals with using a stronger means of coercion to force an opponent into compliance or submission. There are two types of extralegal approaches. 1 Non-Violence Approach This approach is applied when there are people or a group of people who do not behave as they should. This approach forces them to behave in a desired manner. Usually this approach can be effectively used when the disputes-parties must rely on each other for their living. For example, a husband should provide his wife with a sufficient amount of support money, attention, care, etc. This approach involves social norms disobedience and it does not use any kind of physical coercion Moore 36-37. 2 The Violence Approach The last approach is violence or physical coercion. In this approach, the party who possesses more power will be able to force the result of the resolution. It often happens that the means of forcing the decision is a physical coercion Moore 37- 38.

5. Autism a. Definition of Autism

According to Bryna Siegel autism is a disorder in the capacity for social understanding. Along with this there comes to be certain ways that the child with autism also has difficulties with language and how he processes the information coming from that senses 11. Based on this definition, Autism is defined as a disorder which makes a person has difficulty to interact and communicate with other people. A person who suffers from autism tends to withdraw his self from his social environment.

b. Characteristics of Autistic Learning Disabilities

According to Bryna Siegel autistic children have some characteristic of learning disabilities; they are characteristics of social autistic learning disabilities, characteristic of communicative autistic learning disabilities, and characteristic of non-social learning disabilities 91-99. The description of each characteristic will be stated as follows;

1. Characteristics of Social Autistic Learning Disabilities 1 Lack of Awareness of Others

A child who is unaware of others and what they are doing fails to apprehend a great deal of experiences that feed into the child’s development of how and why people interact in the ways they do Siegel 93. It means that this child fails to comprehend many things around him that other children might notice.