Definition of Conflict Types of Conflict

an outside force. Inner conflict happens when the characters need to do an action but their belief prevents them to do something. The clash between their belief and their feeling will force the characters to choose one of them. Second, external conflict, which refers to a struggle between the protagonist and an outside force, happens when the characters have to face outside forces which are not similar to the characters desire, belief or thinking. The different desire, belief or thinking will create a conflict between the character and people around him. 363. Jones and Gerard say that intrapersonal conflict is a conflict within an individual because of incompatibility within himself, whereas Raven and Kruglanski see interpersonal conflict as tension between two or more social entities, such as; individual, groups, or larger organizations, which arise from incompatibility of actual or desired responses qtd. in worchel and cooper 460 According to Atkinson and Hillgard, psychologically, there are two kinds of conflicts that happen in our daily lives. Those are internal and external conflicts. External conflicts mean conflicts between us and other people who live around us, such as with friends, teachers, or with families. Meanwhile internal conflicts are conflicts within our selves 424.

c. Theory of Conflict Resolution

Conflict can be solved by many ways. In this study, In order to find how Christopher, the main character of Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time , solves his interpersonal conflicts, I apply the conflict resolution theory which is proposed by Moore. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Moore 23-38 suggests four approaches to be the strategy to achieve resolution of conflict. He divides the approaches into four categories. They are private decision-making by parties, private third-party decision-making, legal public authoritative third-party decision-making and extralegal coerced decision-making. The description of each approach will be stated as follows;

1. Private Decision Making by Parties 1 Avoidance

People sometimes prefer to interact with certain condition, in which they feel it has less potential of conflict. Some people like to keep inside their feeling in order to avoid conflicts. This happens because of the lack of their motivation to face the potential conflict and its resolution. They tend to see a relation based on the potential conflicts than the value of the relation itself. They often leave the situation totally when they see that it might cause conflicts Moore 23-24. 2 Informal Problem-Solving Discussion When avoidance is no longer possible and the pressure of the conflict grows stronger that the parties cannot let the disagreement continue, they usually use the informal problem-solving discussion to resolve their differences. The result of these discussion are either the conflicts are resolved more or less to the satisfaction of the people involved or the conflicts are dropped because they are unable and do not have the capacity to make the resolution for it Moore 24.