Research Design Subject of the Study


Methods of investigation are significant and important parts of all scientific activities. They control investigation of the theoretical and applied aspects of mathematics, statistics, measurement and ways of obtaining and analyzing data Kerlinger, 1979: 308. According to Suharsimi 1998: 11 a field research or fields’ study, such as: an educational research can be carried out at schools, factories or hospitals to achieve educational objectives, etc. In this chapter, the writer discusses the frame related to the methodology in analyzing the problem of the study.

3.1 Research Design

A research method used in this study is an action research. This research will be conducted in the classroom. This activity contains several cycles. Each cycle has four elements: planning, acting, observing and reflecting. According to Elliot 1996: 70-74 there is a basic cycle of activities. The activities can be elaborated as follows: 1 Identifying initial idea The initial idea refers to a state of situation one wishes to change or to improve on. In this research the initial idea is thought that there will be a change by narrative text being made. 2 Planning Planning is a follow up for identifying the text to find out the solution of the problems. This research is intended to find out the students’ response during learning process, the students’ improvement of writing by narrative text, the writer will conduct four cycles of research to know the improvement of writing by narrative text. To know students’ ability in producing the narrative text, the writer asks the students to produce a narrative text. 3 Implementing Implementing is the performing of planned action. The researcher can change the plans after conducting one cycle when they are needed. 4 Evaluating After conducting and observing the implementing cycle, the next step that the writer will do is evaluating. The evaluating is a fact-finding about the result of the action. It is an analysis to find out the influence of the narrative text for improving the students in learning writing.

3.2 Subject of the Study

The writer holds the classroom research at SMA N 10 Semarang. It is located in Jl. Kapas Utara Raya Genuk Indah, Semarang. The writer chooses the second grade of SMA N 10 Semarang. There are seven classes on the average, each class has 40 students. The writer chose them as the subject of the study based on some reasons, they are; the students are all in the same grade, the students had been studying English for some periods of time, the students are studying narrative text at the same time as the writer does an experiment at school. In this case, the subjects of the study of the research are the tenth grade students of SMA N 10 Semarang, in the academic year of 20062007. The researcher got the data from the registration office that showed there are 280 students.

3.3 Choice of Population and Sample