Test Variable Source of Data

3.4.1 Test

The test technique is used to measure how good the motivation of the students in learning writing is. The tests that the writer will conduct are pre test, test in each cycle and post-test. The pre-test is conducted for checking whether or not the students can produce the narrative text well. The assessment tests are used for knowing whether there is achievement of the students in producing a narrative text. The post-test is used for knowing whether or not the students can really produce a good text.

3.4.2 Variable

According to Kerlinger, it is possible, by definition, for a variable to have only one value. It is then called a constant. We deal almost exclusively with variables that have two or more values as stated by Suharsimi below: A variable is defined as something that varies from one case to another. The dependent variable is variable which one observes and measures to determine the effect of the independent variable. Independent variable the major variable is the variable, which is selected, manipulated and measured by the researcher Suharsimi, 2002:98. In this research, there are two variables, they are: independent variable X and dependent variable Y. Independent variable is a variable that is presumed to influence another variable. Dependent variable is a category that is influenced by another category or that is the consequent Kerlinger, 1979:21. In this research, the dependent variable is the writing narrative text X and the independent variable is about the film Y.

3.4.3 Source of Data

In her efforts to find the solutions of the problems, the writer needs some data. The required data and information will be obtained from two main sources, i.e.: 1 Library Research Library research refers to the activity of using library facilities. The data and information will be obtained through racing books on related subject matters. She tries, as far as she can, to explore the cores of the textbooks, jotting down important information and ideas from significant authors as fundamental theories, which support her ideas for this writing. The results of the library research are mostly presented in chapter II. 2 Field Research To get empirical data for her findings, the writer administered two tests; they are vocabulary test and reading comprehension test. After conducting the tests, the writer analyzed the data on the basic of the problems and the objectives of the study.

3.5 Data Collection