Writing Draft I Independent Construction of Text

4.1.4 Independent Construction of Text

Independent construction of text was the last activity in the first part, in this activity the students had to apply their knowledge of narrative individually, the purpose of this activity was to measure how well the students master the material and apply it. There were two parts of independent construction of text, writing draft I and writing revision I, here is the analysis of each part: Writing Draft I

The purpose of this test was to check the students’ ability in producing narrative text whether the students could produce narrative text by paying attention to the generic structure of the text well and produce a good text or not. The writing of draft was conducted on Tuesday, January 9 th 2007. There were 40 students who took the test. They had to produce a narrative text based on their own experience they got from their teacher before. They could choose the theme of the story by themselves. In writing draft I, the writer found that the students were poor on the content of their writing, this data could be seen in appendix 1 Based on the score of writing draft I, there are five language skill scores fluency, grammar, vocabulary, content and spelling and the total result of each score was 128 for fluency, 131 for grammar, 129 for vocabulary, 127 for content and 128 for spelling. From that data the writer concluded that the lowest total score that the students got in writing draft I was on content only 127 point, it was because the writer had not explained in details about the theme that they had to choose. Besides they did not know the right words to write down their ideas. On the other hand, the highest scores that the students got in the writing draft I was on the grammar 131 point. It means that the students had learnt past tenses. In order to know further about students’ achievement in details, the writer used the following formula to find out the percentage of the students’ achievement. The formula is: The total of the percentage The average of the students result = The number of the students The result of the writing draft I could be seen in appendix 1. The total of the percentage The average of the students result = The number of the students 2572 = 40 = 64, 3 The students’ achievement result was 64, 3 . According to the Department of National Education, the criterion of the assessment in the previous chapter, 64, 3 was said to be not successful. The writer concluded that the students were not successful in producing narrative text because: a They did not have any idea to write, so they were confused with what they had to write, b They found it difficult to share ideas in their brain into a written language, c They also found it difficult to find out the right words. Writing Revision I