2.5 Action Research

A form of research, which is becoming increasingly significant in language education, is action research. This research has been defined in a number of ways. Kemmis and Mc. Taggart in Nunan, 1993:17 argue: The three defining characteristics of action research are firstly it is carried out by practitioners for our purpose, classroom teacher rather than outside researcher. Secondly, it is collaborated. Thirdly, it is aimed at changing things. They said further, “Action research is a group of activities and a piece of descriptive research carried out by a teacher in his or her own classroom, without changing the phenomenon under investigation. Best 1978:12 states that action research focuses on the immediate application, not on the development of theory, nor upon general application. From all definitions above, the writer concludes that action research is an action in a research, which can be done by the teacher, researcher, and the teacher with hisher colleague, etc. This involves a group of students to improve learning and teaching-learning process or to enhance the students’ understanding of the lesson.


Methods of investigation are significant and important parts of all scientific activities. They control investigation of the theoretical and applied aspects of mathematics, statistics, measurement and ways of obtaining and analyzing data Kerlinger, 1979: 308. According to Suharsimi 1998: 11 a field research or fields’ study, such as: an educational research can be carried out at schools, factories or hospitals to achieve educational objectives, etc. In this chapter, the writer discusses the frame related to the methodology in analyzing the problem of the study.

3.1 Research Design

A research method used in this study is an action research. This research will be conducted in the classroom. This activity contains several cycles. Each cycle has four elements: planning, acting, observing and reflecting. According to Elliot 1996: 70-74 there is a basic cycle of activities. The activities can be elaborated as follows: 1 Identifying initial idea The initial idea refers to a state of situation one wishes to change