Analysis of Perempuan Berkalung Sorban

18 CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS In this analysis, writer finds and decides some problems that needed to answer further. They are: 1. What are the differences of woman emancipation in the two literary works? 2. What are the similarities of woman emancipation in the two literary works?

4.1. Analysis of Perempuan Berkalung Sorban

The main discussion of this topic focuses on the motifs of woman emancipation both literary works. From analyzing the novel the writer tries to find Women struggling against patriarchal hegemony. Perempuan Berkalung Sorban, a novel written by AbidahEI Khalieqy. The general aim of the research is to describe how a woman struggles againt patriarchal hegemony in the novel. The result of novel shows that Anisa, struggles to reach patriarchal hegemony in the community of a moslem boarding school pesantren that usually places women in inferiority. What the motifs of the main character struggle to reach her right. Characters can be motifs of woman emancipation, because characters can describe the background why something was happened, to know what the motifs of woman emancipation in this novel it is better the writer describes the characteristics of the main characters. 1. Annisa 19 Annisa in this novel has the high ambition and always tries to reach what she wants even her father don’t like with her ambition. Woman is always number two in society, but in this novel characteristic of Anissa try to force constraint of woman right in the culture. “Riding Horse” is unusual for woman because it is identical for man and in the below quotation has been explained Anissa don’t care about her father even she knows that father is someone who was respected in family and lead family in this life but she refuses it and goes on her curiosity. It can be proved by: “Tetapi keinginan ku untuk belajar naik kuda telah melampaui nada tertinggi dari kemarahan bapak. Keinginan itu terus menggendor pintu yang disekat oleh batasan-batasan di ruangan hatiku” Page.22 In the novel the writer uses word, “menggendor pintu” hammered on the door which insulated by constraint in her heart. Hammered on the door is something effort to open the door of constraint. Smart woman who has a high ambition usually will be brave to force constraint in her heart and in this novel has been described Annisa is beautiful, kind and smart. She has a good imagination and she fights to do what she wants and she is clever to analyze word well,. This statement she says when she was leaved by Lek Khudori, No one credits her anymore but she is consistent for her ambition. Woman will consistent in their own when there is someone she loves still supports her to make a change in her life. It can be proved by, “ ..tak ada lagi yang memuji kecepatan ku dalam mentasrif kata-kata… kau tidak saja cantik tetapi juga baik dan otak mu sangat cerdas Page 44 20 A teacherthat was called a school teacher is a person who provides education for students. In this novel Anissa asks to her teacher about the differences of woman obligation and man obligation. She shouts her voice to ask her question about it, the situation can be imagined that Anisa excited to asks her teacher because she curious and actually challenges his opinion about the woman and man obligation. Office is man place and kitchen is woman place when they works everyday, in this novel, the differences of woman and man is very clear namely woman works inside of house but man must works out of house to forage their necessities. In the novel Anissa rejects his opinion about that and want to rebuff about that by asking her teacher it can be proved by: “Bapak pergi ke kantor Teriakku lantang kemudian terdiam, apakah ke kantor itu termasuk urusan laki-laki pak Guru” Page24. The reason why Anissa rejects his opinion because she gets uncomfortable situation for woman and comfortable situation for man that makes Anissa is jealous for her brother because the differences of them, her parents make the differences of them she feels that her father didn’t love her. That is why anissa has a struggle in her heart to do what she wants, man can play outside the house for example playing football and man is free to do everything but woman must leave in house and do homework for example washing plates and they can not make decision in her life, it can be proved by, 21 “ kadang aku merasa bapak tidak begitu sayang padaku. Mungkinkah karena aku anak perempuan? Tidak seperti Wildan dan Rizal yang bebas keluyuran dalam kuasanya, main bola, main layang-layang, sementara aku disekap didapur untuk mencuci kotoran bekas makanan mereka,mengiris bawang hingga mataku pedas demi kelezatan dan kenyamanan perut mereka Khalieqy: 48” In the novel word which Khalieqy use to describe differences woman and man has showed asymmetry. The writer directly makes the contrast of the differences woman and man by making the question in that quotation, “Might be it because I am a Girl?”, not only that the Words which was described for woman are “disekap shut-in, Kotoran impurity, bekas waste ” but for man are “bebas freedom” and “kuasa power kenyamanan comfortable dan kelezatan delicacy In our environment this situation has usual been found namely woman in the kitchen but man in office, in our environment man always be number one and who be of power in many aspect of our life. “tangan bapak tidak lebih kuat dari hakku untuk menentukan nasibku, ibu. Aku kini bukan nisa yang dulu lagi. Aku telah menstruasi berkali-kali, sudah dewasa dan… Page 130” But the quotation above was written “Menstruation” symbol of adulthood where Nisa can make decision in her life, nobody can ban her to make decision include her father. Nisa wriggle about her wedding and her husband, she never agree with the wedding because of her straightforward and willing of her parent she must feel something bad in her wedding, she isn’t happy with her family and angry with her parents, she feels that her father has taken her right to chose her husband. Awareness of Nisa about all 22 situations have opened her eyes, she aware that her life must be better and her life can not be arrange by her father anymore, because she feels that she has been adult. 2. Lek kudori Lek kudori is handsome and has a good characteristic, his nose, eyes, and hair is perfect according to Nisa in this novel, not only that, Nisa also says that Lek Kudori has a good words attention, smooth and affectionate. It can be proved by, “ku pandangi wajah lek kudori dan ku teliti matanya, hidungnya, rambutnya, dan semuanya begitu sempurna di mataku. Bukan juga kata-katanya yang bagus lek Khudori juga begitu baik, begitu perhatian dan sayang padaku, Page. 43” The quotation above is Anissa words described Lek Khudori, that proved Anisa amazed Lek Khudori and love him. Lek khudori are not only smooth and handsome but also smart and clever. It can be proved when Nisa say, “…dalam khayalanku hanyalah wajahnya, kelembutannya, kecerdassannya dan kepandaiannya. Bahkan suara lembutnya selalu mengiang dan menyanyi-nyanyi dalam telinga ku page 55” In this thesis Love also makes she struggles to get her right and it can be the supporting of Nisa to get her right. Lek Khudori is mercy and are not selfish and his knowledge about holy book is good, it can be proved when Nisa’s mother says like that, “memang Lek mu itu sangat halus perasannya, Nisa. Perangainya baik dan membaca kitabnya juga lancar. Pengetahuannya luas dan tak pernah menyombongkan diri, page. 56” 23 Lek Khudori also respectful and can speak by Arabia language. “ selain ganteng ia juga sopan sekali. Kudengar ia sering bahasa Arab ddengan Mas Saipul, page. 59 Lek Khudori is patient to Nisa, he is never angry to Nisa even Nisa is angry with him and talks nonsense to Lek khudori but he is patient, it can be proved when Nisa is angry with him, “ tega-teganya mas melakukan itu bergaya sopan dan sok syang, ternyata penipu juga” kau keliru sayang. Coba dengarkan mas dulu …” persetan Aku tidak mau dengar omong kosong mu….page. 213” Lek khudori in the novel has democratic dan emancipator character in the novel, because he opens minded and adoration similarity of woman and man. This statement can be proved by, “laki-laki yang demokratis dan emansipatoris seperti suami mu Nis bisa dibilang langka sekalipun menjadi banyak idaman perempuan page.158” The motifs of woman emancipation have been found in the novel, the first the writer see the differences basic character of woman and man in the novel, in the novel character of woman is gentle and do something by feeling but man do something by thinking, they talk ruder than woman and always think that they will be a leader. As psychology learning woman and man have a different basic character, in the quotation have showed clearly that man is ruder than woman and woman have compassion to the frog in the text. The writer sees the differences of basic character can be motifs of woman emancipation namely feeling a woman to get their right. 24 The second, the writer see the culture of them in the novel that woman must stay in home and can’t do anything outside of the home, because only man can do everything outside. We can see in this quote, “Apa ibu belum mengatakan kepada mu kalau naik kuda hanya pantas dipelajari oleh kakakmu Rizal, atau kakakmu Wildan. Kau tau kenapa sebab kau ini anak perempuan Nisa, gak pantas, anak perempuan kok naik kuda, apalagi keluyuran keliling lading sampai ke bumblan page 21” In the quotation the writer make the differences of the woman right in the novel, woman can’t ride horse and play outside the house. That can be the motifs of woman emancipation in the novel because the differences of the right make Nisa in the novel struggle to get her right. There is somerepeating in the novel that says that woman can not ride a horse because that is a man activity. The writer wants to show off the differences of woman and man in the novel. The character of Nisa in the novel also make her struggle to get her right even her father angry with her but she don’t give up to study ride a horse. According the novel motifs of Nisa struggle to get her right is support from Lek Khudori for her, Lek Khudori tell about Hindun binti Ataba can ride horse in yard fluently and become a leader of battle. And man can not do anything behind of the woman. The novel tells Nisa is influent by the story of Lek Khudori about woman. He describe that woman can do anything that the man do in the story, the woman can be a leader in the story. In the novel make Nisa become very fighting to learn about riding a horse. It will be proved by, “Ku bayangkan kembali kisah Lek Khudori tentang Hindun binti Ataba yang mahir naik kuda dan menderap kian kemari di padang pertempuran.Ketika bayanganku sampai pada putri Budur yang memimpin pasukan Raja 25 Kamaruzzaman dan para lelaki perkasa seperti anak ayam dibelakang ekor induknya tak sadar aku menggumam. Apapun yang terjadi aku harus bias, aku mesti belajar naik kuda. Aku belajar naik kuda. Naik kuda page 22 From that quotation the novel describe that Nisa has a big intention in the novel there are repetition statement that says the statement is important and has a strong willing from Nisa because she says, “I want to riding a horse” she repeats the statement three times. And the conclusion Nisa has a strong willing learn riding a horse, that can be a motif of Nisa to get her right, she doesn’t want her right different with man, and she want to prove that the woman can be like a man. What the motifs of woman emancipation in the novel are the culture of the great grandmother that man has different obligation in their culture. The main obligations of man are working to get money for example in the office, field in the sea wherever they can get allowed property. Whereas the main obligations of woman are arrange house well, educating children, cooking, washing, mopping, ironing, wiping, and clearing up house. And bathing a child, giving child a food and giving suck are a woman obligation. The statement will be supported by this quotation, “Dalam adat istiadat kita dalam budaya nenek moyang kita seorang laki-laki memiliki kewajiban dan seorang perempuan juga memiliki kewajiban . Kewajiban seorang laki-laki adalah bekerja mencari nafkah, baik di kantor di sawah di laut atau dimana saja asal bisa mendatangkan rejeki yang halal. Sedangkan seorang perempuan mereka juga memiliki kewajiban yang terutama adalah mengurus urusan rumah tangga dan mendidik anak. Jadi memasak, mencuci,mengepel, menyetrika, menyapu dan merapikan seluruh rumah adalah kewajiban seorang perempuan, page 25” “Obligation” in this statement makes her parents has attributed this culture in their family and their environment, that makes this habitual is difficult to be changed. 26 The motifs of the novel is ambition of Nisa to be a leader of battle and then a great man will be bent down behind her, she wants to be like man who go to the office and wear a fragrant shirt didn’t like Lek Sumi who wear a bad cloth everyday in kitchen. The other motifs that make her has a ambition to get her right is supporting of Lek Khudori for her, namely Lek Khudori suggests her to study and looking for knowledge for a lifetime, and Nisa cannot be dependent to Lek Khudori but she must strive to get knowledge from the other. The quotation that support the statement is ‘Kau mesti belajar dan mencari ilmu sampai jasadmu berbaring diantara dua batu nisan, tapi jangan juga tergantung pada saya, kalau bisa belajar dimana saja dan kapan saja, kau mesti sekolah dan sampai sarjana. page. 35. From the novel the writer tell about the culture of Islamic precept, in the novel the writer describes about differences of woman and man, how the culture in that situation from their great grandmother and from the precept of Islamic. The novel says that woman is not human but resemble of human, and then in the novel the writer write that woman has a desire like animal, and full of children of devil. That is why woman must be given courteousness. And the body of woman must be closed from the man. The mother also says that woman is like flirtation. Woman is nest of slander but man is not wanted. If woman go out from house 70 devils come with her. But when woman are closed by cloth devil will be difficult to know the woman. This is one of the cultures of Islamic which wrong in the novel, the novel describes that the position of woman and man is not same but woman is same with animal in the novel, actually in the novel Lek Khudori explain that what Nisa’s parents says is wrong, Lek Khudori tells that the important thing is when people can 27 keep their inner beauty. According this novel female headgear is requisite to prevent act of despising for woman, it will be used for protect woman from disturbance of man. Ibu pernah mengatakan, perempuan itu bagai godaan. Semacam buah semangka atau buah peer di gurun sahara. Perempuan adalah sarang fitnah, tetapi laki-laki bukan sarang mafia.Jika perempuan keluar rumah tujuh puluh sejat menderab berbaris menyertainya. Tetapi jika ia membungkus seluruh tubuhnya dengan kurungan, mata setan akan kesulitan menebak itu manusia atau guling yang tengah berjalan. Maka selamatlah perempuan itu 49 From this quotation the writer wants to tell us about the wrong traditions that have spread in Islamic people. But Lek Khudori in the next quotation explains different opinion about that. Lek khudori explains why woman must wear Jilbab. Lek Khudori says that, “Jilbab adalah persyaratan upaya pencegahan pelecehan bagi perempuan. Jika seorang perempuan di lingkungan asing dan tak ada seorangpun yang mengenalnya sebgai orang baik-baik sebaiknya ia mengenakan jilbab untuk menghindari gangguan. page. 50”. The explains of Lek Khudori makes mindset of Nisa opened about woman, it can be motif of Nisa thinks widely and her desire to make their right same with man stronger that before. The motif of woman emancipation is the wrong percept of Islamic in the novel has explained a rule of Islamic percept that woman can not do their religious service when they have menstruation. They don’t care about that rule come from God, but they think it can obey God when they do that. The novel explained that the blood of woman can invite devil because devil like impurity, in the novel also 28 explained that man can enter mosque even they often drink coconut palm like wine, tuak etc, people don’t be brave to snap him. No one say that their bodies are worse than women who have menstruation. In this situation makes Nisa thinks rationally that all of rule that people make is wrong, and this is one of the motifs Nisa to change the culture of them. This is one of motifs why Nisa struggle to open minded of people in the novel. The statement can be proved by this quotation namely, “Perempuan yang sedang menstruasi dilarang masuk mesjid.Padahal Wak Tompel yang setiap malam minum tuak dan berjudi di kedai Yuk Sri, tidak dilarang untuk tidur mengglosor di dalam masjid dan tak seorangpun berani mengatakan bahwa itu haram.Demikian Wak Burik blantik sapi yang membuka praktek rentenir itu, sering juga datang dan ngorok dengan mulut berbusa di dalam masjid. Tak satu pun berani mengatakan bahwa tubuh-tubuh mereka jauh lebih kotor dari perempuan yang tengah menstruasi, page 69 Not only that the wrong percept of Islamic makes the reader can open their mind by reading the novel because the novel clearly explain how the differences of woman and man in the novel. The novel explain how the position of woman, namely when woman see her husband aren’t syahwat so their eyes will be glued in doomsday. In the novel explain that Allah has created 70.000 angels in the world and banned every woman who sold the property of their husband. And when they do that, they will carry sins like 70.000 sins of thief. In the novel explains that when woman strive against her husband so everything what escape of sun will be mocked her. And if noses of her husband full of blood or suppuration, their wife must lick their nose by her tongue. All the explanation will be proved by all the quotations in page. 71 “Seorang perempuan yang memandang laki-laki bukan suaminya dengan syahwat maka kedua matanya akan 29 dipaku pada hari kiamat. Allah telah menciptakan 70.000 malaikat dilangit dunia dan mereka akan mengutuk setiap perempuan yang menghianati harta suami nya. Dan dihari kiamat nanti ia akn dikumpulkan dengan tukang-tukangsihir dan dukun peramal sekalipun ia menghabiskan umurnya untuk mnagbdi pada suaminya. Perempuan yang menhambil harta suaminya tanpa seizinnya ia akan memikul dosa seperti dosa tujuh puluh ribu pencuri. Perempuan yang mengeraskan suara terhadap suaminya maka segala sesuatu yang terkena sinar matahari akan melaknatinya. Andaikata kedua hidung suaminya mengalir darah atau nanah, lalu sang istri menjilati dengan lidahny ia belum memnuhi hak suaminya.” In the next statement of novel has explained about how nisa think about this situation, namely anything that she doesn’t agree with all of that, in the next paragraph will be explained that Nisa didn’t want do anything that she has learned because she thinks that woman is foolish. Until she says if all of the percept is true, she will not learn about the holy book anymore. In this quotation explain how Nisa don’t agree with the percept. “Sampai kapanpun aku tidak mau menjilati nanah laki- laki.Pernyataan itu ku anggap sebih bidah dari sekedar bidah hasanah. Pastilah kitab ini akan menghadirkan laki-laki yang jauh melebihi Yang Maha Perkasa sendiri. Jika itu semua kalimat itu benar dan tidak bertentangan dengan al-Qur’an maka aku harus berpikir-pikir lagi haruskah aku menjadi muslimah? 72” The novel tells about struggling of Nisa to know about woman in al-Qur’an and in the quotation above has been explained that there is hadis from Nabi Abdullah bin Mas’ud.r.a that says: woman who tow to do sex or berjimak until her husband sleep, so they will be curse by Allah. And then woman who be sullen in front of her husband will be anger by God until She can make her husband smile back and gets his ridha. In the statement of Uztad Ali never give Hadis for man who treason her wife and Nisa in this situation suppressed about it and ask question for 30 Ustadz Ali and she asks how if husband will be tow to sex until his wife sleep? Will be he curse by Allah? But the answer of Ustadz says that there is no Hadis says like that because woman is impossible like that because woman always be shy to do that. And how if there is a woman like that want it first than her husband, but he says that man didn’t like woman like that because she is too aggressive. The statement will be proved by, “Perempuan mana saja yang diajak suaminya untuk berjimak lalu ia menunda-nunda hingga suaminya tertidur, maka ia akan dilaknat Allah dan kemuadian perempuan yang cemberut dihadapan suaminya maka ia dimurkai Allah sampai dapat menimbulkan senyuman suaminya dan meminta keridhaan suaminya page. 73” “Bagaimana jika isrinya yang mengajak ketempat tidur dan suami menunda-nunda hingga istrinya tertidur, apa suami juga akan dilaknat oleh Allah kiayi?” “tidak sebab tidak ada hadis yang menyatakan seperti itu. Lagipula mana ada seorang istri mengajak lebih dulu ke tempat tidur. Seorang istri biasanya pemalu dan menunggu” bagaimana jika kenyataannya ada perempuan yang bersikap terbuka dan mengajak lebih dulu dan tidak sika menunggu” “ perempuan seperti itu biasanya tidak disukai laki-laki karena terlalu agresif” From the novel will be explain how Nisa always asking question about differences of woman and man, in this situation will be explained that Nisa wants to know about the position of woman in society, and in the novel has explained Nisa don’t agree and don’t satisfied with the answered of Kiayi in the novel. Tetapi tidak, perempuan bukanlah pelayan bagi laki- laki..bukan juga budak bagi kehidupan.. aku tidak mau menjadi budak. Pun masa depan yang kerontang bukanlah impianku, juga impian siapapun. Tetapi kepada siapa aku harus mengadu? page.77 31 This is one of quotations that describe how Nisa refuses what Kiayi says about the right of woman and man. She doesn’t want to be slave. But she doesn’t know how the way to change the situation and doesn’t know for whom she must complain about that. In this novel woman can’t school as high as man, in their culture woman has enough when they know read holly bible well that is enough for woman, and in the novel the writer write that her father has planned about his daughter’s future, that makes Nisa was afraid for all has her parents to her and that makes Nisa feels disappointed and back to feels her ambition in the future has broken because of her parents. To prove the statement look at to this quotation says, “ tetapi seorang anak perempuan kan tidak perlu sekolah tinggi-tinggi. Sudah cukup dengan mengaji dan khatam… mendengar kata-kata itu darah ku terasa beku.Aku tertahan dan diam seperti patung. Rupanya mereka sudah merundingkan masa depan ku. Alangkah jauh nya mereka melewati nasibku.alangkah bodohnya dan naïf nya aku sehingga tidak melibatkanku dalam menentukan nasib 81” From the quotation has explained that her parents take her right to make decision of her life. Her parents feel that she doesn’t need to be mixed up with her future because her parent thinks that she is too fools and doesn’t know to make decision for her future. And in the novel Nisa feels disappointed to her parents and feels so sad in her room to think what would she do in the future?. Why must her father forceful her to do what they want? At last what Nisa worried in the future has happened that she has been married with samsudin, a man who didn’t recognized by Nisa. Nisa is a straightforward people this 32 character make her don’t know what that has happened for her. She follows what her parents say about her future and at last she gets suffer. Kau menyakitiku samsudin Kau hanya tau cara menyakiti seseorang..lalu ia mndesak dan terus mendesak sampai farju ku terasa sakit hingga nyeri dan perihnya menjalar keseluruh tubuh ku. dalam keadaan seperti itu kelelakian samsudin semakin menjadi lalu menggigit bahu dan leher ku seperti layaknya drakula. Bahkan ia juga memilih sesukanya bagian mana yang ingin dicengkram nya, di cakar-cakarnya semaunya seakan aku kambing kurban ditnagan penjagal.. page. 90 From the quotation has been explained how Nisa was mistreatment by Samsudin. Samsudin just makes Nisa become his wife only to satisfiable his desire. Samsudin upstaging Nisa like animal, she can’t fight back all samsudin do for her because she is weak at the time and her position as woman and wife must serve husband. In the other side her mother was proud of her husband and tells something good about samsudin, because she doesn’t know what Nisa feel in Nisa family. Her mother says that, Samsudin is graduated from master of Law and son of famous Kiayi. Her mother thinks that samsudin has everything. “Bukan kah ia laki-laki yang gagah, Nisa?Cobalah mulai mengaguminya dan jangan cemberut terus seperti orang sakit gigi begitu. Ia sarjana hokum dan putra seorang kiayi ternama page. 92” This is also one of the motif of woman emancipation in the novel, namely society still look everyone from the cover, in the novel was described how her mother by the title of samsudin because he is master of law and son of famous kiayi that makes her mother thinks that samsudin a best one of man, without knowing the character of samsudin and asking her daughter about her marriage. 33 The most of motifs that the writer wrote in the novel is wrong percept of Islamic about position of woman in the novel, because in the novel woman must patient to her husband and must keep smile below of husband directory, even the man is too greedy. And man will be said as a great man when the man finished off the right of their wife. Because of that Nisa is difficult to say what she feels to her family because she thinks that it is useless to say that to her family. In this novel has been described that Nisa is suffer when they do sex and she always crying everyday. Anissa imagine kiayi Ali in the past time tells about woman and man, “ Terpujilah para suami yang gagah perkasa dan berhasil menghabisi kemerdekaan istrinya pada malam pertama pernikahan mereka” sementara untuk para istri,“ terpujilah para istri yang sabar dan tetap tersenyum dibwah kekuasaan para suami serakus apapun kekuasaan itu page 95” Love is the best motifs of Nisa to reach her ambition, because of supporting of Lek Khudori, a man whom she likes. Lek Khudori one of the way to her can reach her ambition is study hard until get title Master. And the suggestion which makes her struggle to get her ambition namely study as high as she can, without thinking about culture that say woman can be school as high as man. It can be proved by, menurut Lek Khudori satu-satunya cara agar aku tetap bangkit adalah terus belajar dan belajar. Melanjutkan sekolah sampai sarjana. Dan nasihat itulah yang sampai saat ini aku perjuangkan… atas nama kecintaan ku pada Lek Khudori, atas nama ilmu dan atas nama perubahan aku bergegas masuk kedalam kelas page 97.98” In this quotation has been explained that love makes her hold out from everything that she has get naturally. In this quotation was explained Nisa strives and fights to get knowledge and want to make change. In the novel tells that Nisa goes on her study even she has married. In this novel also explained how her husband 34 samsudin subjected her, samsudin is lazy, seldom take a bath, never prayed and when they do sex, he wants they do sex like animal and flatter the right of woman. And at last she makes decision namely she tells to her parents what she has been around when she is samsudin wife, and her mother can’t imagine that her daughter as long as married with samsudin is suffer and unhappy. And at last she is separate with samsudin and it makes her near back with Khudori. And she makes decision that she will go with Lek Khudori wherever he is gone. That’s proved by, “Kukatakan pada Lek Khudori kemana pun ia pergi aku akan ikut bersamanya. Jikapun bapak mengancam ku untuk memilih aku kan tetap pergi bersamanya page 1 58” Even Nisa has married with Lek Khudori, Consequence of all about her marriage with samsudin makes her trauma and afraid until she is difficult consort with man. And it makes her hates man and bites head off man. It can be proved by, “ Trauma samsudin begitu parah mengendap dalam kesadaran ku, hingga beberapa teman ku mengira aku alergi terhadap laki-laki,,, terlebih saat aku berbicara di forum tentang laki-laki lidah ku menjadi pedas dan kata- kata yang keluar dari mulut ku akan semakin pedas lagi dari yang dapat dikira page. 162” But when she married with Lek Khudori all weary that she has bear flow down from her life. In her marriage with Lek Khudori she feels that it is the third freedom in her life. The first freedom when she is child, and the second is when she is not husband of samsudin and this is the third freedom namely married with Lek Khudori because she let free from gossip because it change become a pride. It can be proved by, 35 “Terangkatlah seluruh beban yang berton-ton beratnya dari punggung kehidupan ku.dengan pernikahan ku yang kedua kali ini, saat usiaku sedang menginjak lebih dewasa, ku hirup kembali kemerdekaan yang ketiga dalam kehidupan ku. yang pertama adalah kemerdekaan saat aku masih kanak-kanak, kemudian yang kedua saat aku terbebas dari kerangkang besi penjara samsudin, dan yang ketiga saat aku menikah dengan Lek Khudori. page 169” In the novel the writer describe that many of woman critics about woman emancipation for example Maryam, according to her when a woman hurts her wife, it’s mean that he hurts himself because they should have been one, because they have one soul but two bodies. And husband that hurts his wife has disease masokis, and need medicinal treatment. In the other one many of fathers didn’t want daughter. And if actually a girl that was born, so father’s attitude to his daughter shows bad for all their behavior. For example don’t want to wash them, and don’t buy good clothes, and father will be bother by their crying and they regret for woman present in their life, “ banyak sekali para bapak yang notabena laki-laki tidak menginginkan anak perempuan. Maka jika ternyata anak perempuan yang lahir sikap sang bapak akan menunujukkan ketidaksukaannya, dan ini mengemuka dengan semua perilakunya. Misalnya tidak pernah mau memandikan tidak mau membelikan pakaian yang layak, selalu merasa terganggu dengan tangisnya, acuh tak acuh terhadap seluruh yang menimpa putrinya dan banyak sikap yang menunjukkan betaoa ia menyesal dan tak suka atas kehadiran putrinya” page. 158. In this novel the motif it can be happened is because image that circulate in society says that woman is always number two, they are some of problems and can be a difficulty for people, unproductive, and clinging vine. And then society also says that woman has a worse intelligence than man, and can’t make decision. For 36 example when they want to married they can’t make decision except if they are widow.

4.2. Analysis of A Doll’s House