Finding Similarities and the Differences of Woman Emancipation in The Two Literary works:


4.3 Finding Similarities and the Differences of Woman Emancipation in The Two Literary works:

No. Elements The Similarities of Woman Emancipation The Differences of Woman Emancipation Perempuan Berkalung Sorban A dolls House Perempuan Berkalung Sorban A dolls House 1. Motifs 1. The culture of the great grandmother that man has different obligation in their culture For example, Woman works inside of house but man must works out of house to forage their necessities 2. Culture of Islamic perception. In the novel Islamic perception make woman must always stay at home and can’t 1. Culture and the rule of the habitation in America, namely woman must live in house and must obey for all their husband wants. 1. Feminism and Emancipation, because in the story has explained that Nisa struggle to get woman right by her experience she tells to her friend in campus, it can make a change for woman thinking about their right and their perception especially in Islamic perception. It can be said feminism because she leaves her husband samsudin and marry with Lek Khudory. 1. Feminism, because in the story has explained that Nora make decision about her life, with leave her husband and her children. 2. The construction of the character in the play is opened by Action. Nora in the plays against her husband directly, by slashing the door 45 reach their ambition high as man. Simply to say, woman refers to domestic matters. 2. The construction of the character in perempuan berkalung Sorban is opened as Verbal. Anisa in the novel construct by asking the teacher about the obligation of woman and man and leaves her family. 2. Characters 1. Nisa in this Novel has a big ambition for her future and she is full of spirit in this novel. The character of Lek Khudori in this novel support her ambition and respect for woman right and smart 1. The character of Nora is spendthrift, liar, love money than her husband and doesn’t brave tell something to her husband. The character of Helmer is protect her wife and guide her, and has a strong opinion for everything 46 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

5.1 Conclusion