Background of Analysis Motifs Of Woman Emancipation In Abidah El Khalieqy’s Novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban And Hendrik Ibsen’s Play A Doll’s House: A Comparative Literature Study


1.1 Background of Analysis

Theory of Literature describes various aspects of literary theory, criticism, and history. After defining various aspects and relationships of literature in general, Wellek and Warren 1964: 94 states “literature is said to be creative, an art”. So it is clear that literature is a creation of an author made into the beauty of art writing. Wellek and Warren divide analysis of literature based on two approaches: extrinsic, relating to factors outside a work such as the author and society, and intrinsic, relating to factors within such as rhythm and meter. They stress the need to focus on the intrinsic elements of a work as the best way to truly understand it. Literature has three genres, namely prose, poetry and drama. Prose is a fictitious narrative kind of writing. In general, this is called novel. Poetry is meaningful arrangement of words. Drama is fictitious represented in performance. They have much in common but different in expressing idea, style and others. Novel as a literary work provides the readers reflection reality of human life through beauty of art writing. As Taylor 1981:46 state, “a novel is a normally a quite length of complexity which attempt to reflect and express something of the quality of value of human experience”, it means that a novel is made by the author to express their idea about something based on their experience or people’s experience around them. The literary device ‘motif’ is any element, subject, idea or concept that is constantly present through the entire body of literature. Using a motif refers to the repetition of a specific theme dominating the literary work. Motifs are very 2 noticeable and play a significant role in defining the nature of the story, the course of events and the very fabric of the literary piece, http:literary- devices.comcontentmotif accessed on February 02, 2015. Through motifs will be found the theme of the story, because motifs are smallest element of the story and this is repeated in the story. Through its repetition, a motif can help produce other literary aspects such as theme or mood. In the literary works, many of motifs that can be described, for example love, education, social class, emancipation etc,but this thesis be focus to emancipation of woman. Many of literary works has theme about woman emancipation. In our environment, has been found many culture made a different of woman and man. When woman get the education, job and make decision is always number two. Many of problem that was gotten by woman because of the culture which make them number two. Emancipation of woman often is said by feminist, it generally self-defines as advocating for or supporting the rights and equality of women. It is natural that every human want to get their right so many of group or organization want to support the emancipation of woman, but not only that,many of the authors also make a literary work to support emancipation of woman. For example Perempuan berkalung Sorban and A doll’s House.That is why the writer wants compare about the two literary works. Comparative literature is the study of inter-relationship between any two or more than two significant literary works or literatures. It is essential that while making comparative study we must take the sources, themes, motif, myths, forms, 3 artistic strategies, social and religious movements and trends into consideration. Comparative study has been based on literary movements, periods and lines of influence, as well as on genres, themes, myths, and legends. In recent years comparative literature has come to include the comparison of literature with other areas of human experience. The definition of comparative literature given by Bijay Kumar Dass is very as follows: The simple way to define comparative literature is to say that it is a comparison between the two literatures. Comparative literature analyses the similarities anddissimilarities and parallels between two literatures. It further studies themes, motifs, modes, conventions and use of folk tales, myths in two different literatures or even more. When studying about comparative literature, having get how to analyze the literary works. To compare the literary works must beknow the culture, history and intrinsic element of literature works so that the both novels can be compared. But in this thesis the writer want to analysis about intrinsic element of the novels. The novels were chosenbecause there are same themes of both of the literary work namely “Woman Emancipation” Furthermore, this thesis is focused on term of social stratification reflected in Perempuan berkalung Sorban and A Doll’s House. The both of literary works are about Woman Emancipation is also the most well known when it was published. It is portrayal of a particular social stratification. This novel portrays woman position in such away which make the writer chooses both of novels to be analyzed. 4

1.2 Problems of Analysis