Reporting a Question. The Kinds of Indirect Speech

students in receiving and exploring knowledge, attitude, norm, and social skills which are useful for their life in society. Etin Solihatin defines that ―cooperative mengandung pengertian bekerja bersama dalam mencapai tujuan bersama 27 .” In cooperative classroom, students are expected to help their teammates in mastering the current knowledge by arguing and discussion. All of the members have to take a part in every discussion, so they can learn effectively in their group. All Cooperative Learning methods share the idea that students work together to learn and are responsible for their teammates’ learning as well as their own 28 . With Cooperative Learning method, students not only improve their knowledge but also improve other aspects. Panitz states there are the benefits of Collaborative Learning; 1 Improved learning and achievement. 2 Improved skills. 3 Improved engagement and responsibility. 4 Improved relationships. 5 Classroom resembles real life social and employment situations 29 . In Cooperative Learning, teachers exploit the small groups which make the students possible in learning together to maximize their learning and other members in that group. R. Bruce Williams states, ―Cooperative Learning is the instructional use of small groups so that the students work together to maximize their own and other’s learning 30 .‖ There are some categories when constructing cooperative learning groups. The size of the groups is relatively small. The groups consist of four to five students. The groups are heterogeneous, contain both males and females of different ability levels and if possible different ethnic backgrounds and social classes. Slavin states, ―The teams are heterogeneous – made up of high, average, and low achievers, boys and girls, and students of different ethnic group 31 .‖ So, the groups must be constructed by the teacher. Do not construct the groups by 27 Etin Solihatin dan Raharjo, Cooperative Learning, Analisis Model Pembelajaran IPS, Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, 2008, p. 4. 28 Slavin, Cooperative Learning …, p. 5. 29 Chris Watkins,, Effective Learning in Classrooms, London: Paul Chapman Publishing, 2007, p. 100. 30 R. Bruce Williams, Cooperative Learning a Standard for High Achievement, California: Corwin Press, 2002, p. 3. 31 Slavin, Cooperative Learning …, p. 4.

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