The Technique of Analyzing Data

13 65 90 25 14 50 60 10 15 40 60 20 16 45 60 15 17 45 50 5 18 45 55 10 19 40 70 30 20 40 75 35 ∑ 995 1445 450 Mean 49.75

72.25 22.5

The Table 3.1 above describes that the lowest score in the pre-test is 40 and the highest score is 65. Meanwhile, the lowest score in the post-test is 50 and the highest score is 90. Therefore, it can be summarized that the lowest and the highest scores in post-test is higher than in pre-test. Table 3.2 consists of four columns, the first column shows the number of students in the control class Y, the second column shows the pre-test scores, the third column shows the post-test scores and the last column shows the gained scores which are resulted from the post-test score is subtracted the pre-test score. Table 3.2 The Students’ Scores of Control Class Using Grammar Translation Method GTM Students Y Pre-test Score Post-test Score Gained d Score Post Test – Pre Test 1 60 65 5 2 45 55 10 3 45 50 5 4 40 50 10 5 35 55 20 6 35 55 20 7 50 75 25 8 40 55 15 9 45 55 10 10 50 55 5 11 50 50 12 50 65 15 13 45 55 10 14 30 50 20 15 45 45 16 40 70 30 17 50 65 15 18 60 65 5 19 45 70 25 20 40 50 10 ∑ 900 1155 255 Mean 45

57.75 12.75

The Table 3. 2 above describes that the lowest score in the pre-test is 30 and the highest score is 60. Meanwhile, the lowest score in the post-test is 45 and the highest score is 75. Therefore, it can be summarized that the lowest and the highest scores in post-test is higher than in pre-test.

1. The Analysis of Data

Before the writer analyzed the data, he had calculated the data into the statistic calculation. The writer used t test formula to find the empirical evidence statistically and to make the testing of hypothesis will be easier. Before it, the writer made the calculation table from two variables. The table consists of eight columns; the first column shows the number of students in the experiment class, the second column shows the number of students in the control class, the third column shows the students‟ gained scores in the

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