Data Gathering Technique Instruments and Data Gathering Technique



In this chapter, the researcher presents research findings, the results of the research and discussion about the use of Edmodo as a language teaching medium to improve the eighth grade students’ writing skill in SMPN 1 Yogyakarta. Moreover, in this section the researcher answers the formulated problems which are to what extent Edmodo improves students’ writing skill and what advantages the students get while using Edmodo.

A. Research Findings

In this part, the researcher found the data after implementing the cycle of classroom action research by Mertler 2009. During the research, there were some cycles that were done by the researcher. The cycle consisted of two cycles which each cycle there were four stages. The cycle is explained below:

1. Cycle 1

a. Planning Stage of Cycle 1

In this stage, the researcher had got the problems faced by students and teacher. The problems were the students were not interested in learning English because the teacher rarely used appropriate media. The teaching process was monotonous. Their teacher only explained the materials and gave the assignments based on their handbook. Besides, the handout given did not provide pictures. Since PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 29 the students at that time learned about a descriptive text, they could not express their English writing ability optimally. Then, the researcher provided the solution for the students, it was Edmodo. The researcher knows that Edmodo does not only have one feature to upload an assignment for the students but also it can be used to upload a picture, a song, a video, a game, and links related to the materials used in the class. In this context, the researcher used the feature of picture to help students to write their own story because Stokes states that thinking without image is difficult to do. Moreover, the topic used in this research was a narrative text. The topic was according to the syllabus that has been made by the Education Ministry. So, in this stage, the researcher explained what a narrative text is and gave the students some examples in the form of a video and text. All the materials were delivered using power point slide and students paid attention on the slide. After that, the researcher gave a pre-test to the students. The type of the test was ordering Nation, 2009. In this context, the students were asked to choose group of words provided in the table. There were three columns and each column consisted of seven words. Then, they had to order and to write a narrative text based on those words logically. In fact, they were also allowed to add more words to make the story more interesting. The pre-test worksheet was attached in appendix 7. In the pre-test, the researcher did not limit the time as long as the students could finish it on that day. It was lucky for the students because the English class was extended up to four hours, so they had enough time to write their story. They gained the extra time because the next teacher was having a meeting out the school, then she asked the researcher to use her class. Thus, in this stage there were several PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI