Teaching Writing for EFL

19 educational website that can be used to share information, ideas, and knowledge. Moreover, teachers can upload various kinds of file such as audio, video, picture and links. So, Edmodo answers students’ and teachers’ problems in the classroom. English itself has four basic skills that need to be mastered. One of those skills is writing. Writing is a process of thinking, drafting, and revising that produces a product. Given a medium to express students’ idea in a form of writing might help them to improve it better. Edmodo can be a medium for students to learn English easier and more attractive. In order to answer the first formulated problem, the researcher tried to compare students’ writing work before and after implementing Edmodo. To implement Edmodo in the classroom, the researcher gave the students some tasks that are stated in Nation theory. Next, the researcher evaluated students’ work using Glencoe’s writing assessment. Through implementing Edmodo, the researcher hopes she could gather the information about the first problem. Moreover, the researcher compared the result of previous study that was done by Apriani about the extent of the use of E dmodo to improve students’ writing skill. The second problem is the advantages of the use of Edmodo which was applied in the eighth graders, E class of SMP N 1 Yogyakarta. To answer this problem, the researcher combined the theory from ISTE, Bayne, Kara and Thompson that have been discussed before and added the idea of students to dig the information about this problem. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 20


In this chapter, the researcher describes the method and analysis of the research. The description is divided into six sub-parts such as research method, research setting, research participantssubjects, instruments and data gathering technique, and data analysis technique.

A. Research Method

In order to answer the research problems, the researcher used a Classroom Action Research CAR that was adapted from Mertler 2009. As stated in chapter 2 that CAR is a method where students and teachers face a problem in teaching learning processes then they try to find an action and apply the action into classroom activities so that it will be more conducive and effective. So, through action research the researcher will find what solution or action might work better in the class. Thus, the researcher used an action research to find out the problems which were faced by students and to look for the suitable and effective techniques for them. Moreover, the method itself consists of four stages such as planning, acting, developing and reflecting. The cycle can be seen in figure 2.2.

B. Research Setting

The research was done in SMP N 1 Yogyakarta. It is located in Jl. Cik Di Tiro No. 29, Terban, Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The researcher 21 started conducting the observation during the teaching practice. It was from July until October 2016. The observation aimed to find out the problems faced by students while having the English learning process. Then, after the researcher did her teaching practice, the researcher proceeded the research requirements such as permission letter for governor and others institute. The requirements were so complicated. Firstly, the researcher asked the permission letter to English’s secretary to be given to the governor of Yogyakarta, which is in Bakesbangpol office. In that office, there are some requirements that must be submitted such as a thesis proposal, a permission letter from campus, a copy of an identity card, a copy of student’s ID card and a stamp. Next, the researcher gave the requirements needed on 19 January 2017. After that, the researcher had to wait for one week to get the permission letter there. Secondly, one week later the researcher got the permission letter from Bakesbangpol and gave it to walikota office on 26 January 2017. In walikota office, if the researcher came in the morning, shehe will get the letter in the afternoon. However, if the researcher gave the letter in the afternoon, shehe will get it in the next day. Then, on 30 January 2017 the researcher gave the permission letter from walikota to the school. After, the letter was accepted, the researcher met the English teacher and discussed the class which was used for the research. The researcher got 8E class which their English class was on Wednesday 3x40 minutes and Saturday 2x40 minutes. However, the researcher only used Wednesday class because the