Specifying the Learning Objectives

52 2. UNIT 2 Sweet or Sour…? At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. identify words related to orange fruit using the guidelines given. 2. pronounce words related to orange fruit accurately. 3. identify the English meaning of particular words related to orange fruit. 4. complete an incomplete reading passage about orange fruit with the appropriate words. 5. complete sentences with the appropriate words. 6. make sentences with the particular words related to orange fruit in the form of an inference. 3. UNIT 3 Narrative Text: How Did the Zebra Get Its Stripes? At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. gain the background knowledge about zebra through exchanging information with their pair. 2. predict the words used in How the Zebra Got Its Stripes story by guessing the story. 3. identify the words used in How the Zebra Got Its Stripes story. 4. pronounce the words used in How the Zebra Got Its Stripes story accurately. 5. match the words with the definitions accurately. 6. complete the sentences using the appropriate words accurately. 7. explain the words’ meaning with their own words by playing guessing game. 8. make sentences using the words used in How the Zebra Got Its Stripes story accurately based on the pictures given. 4. UNIT 4 Narrative Text: How Did the Tortoise Get His Shell? At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. predict the words used in How the Tortoise Got His Shell story by guessing the story. 2. identify the words used in How the Tortoise Got His Shell story by finding the chopped words. 3. pronounce the words used in How the Tortoise Got His Shell story accurately. 4. identify the words definitions accurately by doing the crossword. 5. complete the sentences using the appropriate words accurately. 6. make sentences and explain the meaning of the words used in How the Tortoise Got His Shell story with their own words by playing the game. Table 4.4 Continued from page 51 53 5. UNIT 5 Junk Food: Does It Make Me Obese? At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. identify the words related to junk food and obesity through a bubble chain. 2. gain the background knowledge about junk food and obesity through the questions given. 3. identify the words related to junk food and obesity that exist in the reading passage by highlighting them. 4. pronounce the words related to junk food and obesity accurately. 5. complete the mind mapping tree using the words that have been highlighted. 6. guess the meanings of the words related to junk food and obesity by completing the sentences. 7. complete the reading passage about junk food and obesity using the appropriate words. 8. make their own sentences about junk food and obesity by writing down any information they have got. 6. UNIT 6 Could You Call Me Later…? At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: 1. gain the background knowledge about cell phones and driving through answering the questions given. 2. predict the words related to cell phones and driving that may appear in the text and give the reason. 3. identify the words related to cell phones and driving that exists in the reading passage. 4. pronounce the words related to cell phones and driving accurately. 5. guess the appropriate definitions of the words related to cell phones and driving. 6. complete the sentences using the appropriate words accurately. 7. make sentences using the words related to cell phones and driving. 8. state their opinion toward the use of cell phones while driving with their own words. Table 4.4 Continued from page 52 54

5. Making List of Subject Contents

Subject content is knowledge and skill that the students need to acquire. The supplementary materials consisted of six units. Each unit was divided into three main sections. a. Recognizing the English words In the first section, the students were given an opportunity to get the background knowledge of the topic by basing on the activityes provided. Besides, through this section the students were also introduced to the vocabulary used in the context of the topic that would be discussed. The activities are in the form of mind mapping, answering questions about the topic would be discussed, finding words in a bubble chain, finding the chopped words, pronouncing words, etc. Those activities, which dealt with recognizing vocabulary, were presented on Let’s Get Started section. b. Recognizing the Words’ Meaning and Their Uses in Sentences The second section focused on two aspects of vocabulary learning, namely lexical meaning and grammatical distribution. Furthermore, through this part, the students were faced to vocabulary repetition. Here, the students would have some activities related to vocabulary given in previous section. The activities were meant to help the students to learn vocabulary through the context. The activities included underlining certain words related to the topic, pronouncing words, completing sentences, completing reading passages, filling in the crossword, and matching the words with the definition. Those activities were presented on Let’s Get One Step Closer section. 55 c. Producing English Words This section dealt with producing foreign words that had been seen and heard by speaking and writing. Here, the students were led to remind the vocabulary learnt in the previous parts and use it in sentences. The activities would be making sentences using certain vocabulary, making a summary, and explaining vocabulary using the students’ own words. The activities, which focused on productive learning, were presented on Let’s Do It section.

6. Selecting Teaching Learning Activities

Teaching learning activities and the instructional materials should be selected carefully since they should be appropriate with the students’ needs. To help the students to able to accomplish the objectives, the writer selected teaching learning activities that would treat the subject contents. The writer selected activities that would develop the students’ ability in getting the deeper understanding on the vocabulary in certain contexts as well as guessing the vocabulary meaning based on what context they existed in. In addition, in the designed materials, the writer gave guidelines for the teachers in order to make the implementation clearer and simpler. The following are the teaching learning activities of each unit.