The Eleventh Grade Students of Senior High School

23 7 Examining different types of dictionaries and teach students how to use them According to Knoght 1994, Luppescu and Day 1993, bilingual dictionaries have been found to result in vocabulary learning. Bilingualized dictionaries may have some advantages over traditional bilingual or monolingual dictionaries. Bilingualized dictionaries essentially do the job of both a bilingual and a monolingual dictionary. Whereas monolingual dictionaries usually provide just an L1 synonym, bilingual dictionaries include L2 definitions, L2 sentence examples, as well as L1 synonyms. Furthermore, bilingualized dictionaries were found to result in better comprehension of new words than either bilingual or monolingual dictionaries Laufer Hader, 1997. In short, training in the use of dictionaries is essential. Due to that, teachers should emphasize the importance of checking a word’s original context carefully and comparing this to the entry chosen because context determines which sense of a word is being used.

3. The Eleventh Grade Students of Senior High School

This study involves the eleventh grade students of SMAN 1 Godean so that it is important to discuss the characteristics of them. The eleventh grade students of Senior High School are classified into the adolescence phase. Konopka, as it is cited by Pikunas 1987: 240, states that the period of adolescence ranges between twelve and twenty two years old. Further, he explains that adolescence period is divided into three stages, namely early 24 adolescence 12-15 years old, middle adolescence 15-18 years old, and late adolescence 18-22 years old. According to Pikunas 1976: 248, the main characteristics of those who belong to adolescence phase are peer identification, self-reorganization, external interest and activity, and growth of self-regulation. The following is the further discussion on those characteristics, which is based on Pikunas. a. Peer Identification People who are in the adolescence stage tend to have two kinds of motivation in the social life, namely the egoistical motivation and social motivation 1976: 248. Egoistical motivation focuses on the individual satisfaction. Meanwhile, the social motivation aims at grabbing connection, appreciation, and acceptance from the society, and building the relationship with them. In order to get the approval and acceptance from the peers, adolescences tend to build the higher status and reputation so that they become more famous than the other peers. b. Self-Reorganization During the growth, adolescences experience some changes, both physical and mental. Adolescences try to find the better attitudes, principles, and interests to reorganize their personality. In addition, they want to reveal to others that they are no longer children. 25 c. External Interest and Activity Adolescences, both male and female, are interested in various kinds of thing and activity. They are commonly interested in any activities in which they can directly practice their ability to show their interests. d. Growth of Self-Regulation Adolescences have already had a good self-control. They are already able to distinguish good and bad things. Even, they are able to have a good emotional management.

B. Theoretical Framework

The theoretical description above gives us the understanding of instructional design, vocabulary, as well as the characteristics of the eleventh grade students of Senior High School. The theoretical description becomes the basis of clarifying the theoretical framework of this study which then will lead us to the actual description. In this study, the writer uses two kinds of instructional design models, which are Yalden’s and Kemp’s. Not all the theories are applied in this study. However, all of those theories give the writer contribution in designing the supplementary materials of vocabulary in contexts for the eleventh grade students of SMAN 1 Godean. Vocabulary is defined as a number of words. Learning vocabulary is considered important in learning a language because vocabulary is the basis of language. Without knowing words, people cannot communicate what they are