This chapter consists of two parts. The first part is conclusions of the study. The second part is the suggestions for the Vocational School students, for the English teachers, for and the future researchers who are interested in conducting similar studies.

A. Conclusions

The purpose of this study was to design instructional writing materials using Task-Based Language Teaching for SMK BOPKRI I Yogyakarta. The writer began the study by formulating two problems to answer. 1 How are the instructional writing materials using Task-Based Language Teaching for SMK BOPKRI I Yogyakarta designed? 2 What do the designed instructional writing materials using Task-Based Language Teaching for SMK BOPKRI I Yogyakarta look like? To answer those two questions, the writer employed educational research and development R D method. In this study, the writer only employed step 1 to step 5. They were 1 research and information collecting, 2 planning, 3 developing preliminary form of product, 4 preliminary field testing, and 5 main product revision. In order to answer the first question, the writer adapted ASSURE model to make the writer’s own instructional design model. The new model consisted of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 57 four steps. They were 1 analyzing learner characteristics, 2 listing the topics and stating the objectives, 3 selecting, modifying, and designing materials, and 4 evaluating and revising the materials. The presentation of the designed materials became the answer to the second question. There were eight units in the designed materials. They are presented as follows. Unit 1 : What Do You Usually Do? Unit 2 : Hobby and Interest Unit 3 : Messages Unit 4 : She is a Secretary Unit 5 : Curriculum Vitae Unit 6 : My Application Letter Unit 7 : My Unforgettable Experience Unit 8 : I’m Going to Go Abroad The writer divided each unit into three main activities. They were “What do you think?”, “Let’s do it”, and “Attention, please” Those activities were based on Task-Based Learning framework; i.e., pre-task, task cycle, and language focus. The complete designed materials are presented in Appendix J. From the data obtained from the respondents and after they had been calculated by using the central tendency Mean, they showed that the respondents gave good responses to the designed materials. The mean ranged from 3.4 up to 4.4 in the scale of 5.0. Therefore, it could be concluded that the designed materials were appropriate to be used by the second grade students of SMK BOPKRI I Yogyakarta to learn writing. 58

B. Suggestions