The Principles of Teaching Writing to the Second Grade Students of SMK

12 produced so far and writing media, such as word processing, e- mail, and World Wide Web. The individual component integrates motivation and affect, cognitive process, working memory, and long-term memory. In the writing process, the writer should have goals of writing that are able to motivate and affect him her in producing a piece of writing. Besides, the writer will deal with cognitive process; i.e., text interpretation, reflection, and text production. Moreover, the writer should manage hisher working memory and long-term memory. Working memory is the writer’s memory related to phonology, spatial, and semantics; while the long-term memory is the writer’s memory related to the topic, genre and linguistic knowledge. From the writing model above, it could be said that environment and individual play important role in writing process. Those two components are interdependent. In brief, Indrisano and Squire 2000: 11 conclude that: Indeed, writing depends on an appropriate combination of cognitive, affective, social, and physical conditions if it is to happen at all. Writing is a communicative act that requires a social context and a medium. It is a generative activity requiring motivation, and it is an intellectual activity requiring cognitive processes and memory.

c. The Principles of Teaching Writing to the Second Grade Students of SMK

Vocational School SMK stands for Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. In English term, it is Vocational School. It is a level of education that should be finished in three years which prepares the students to have certain skills in order to be ready to face the working world. Hence, it usually has some departments, such as accounting, food 13 science, dressmaking, office administration, mechanical engineering, and some others. Those departments prepare the students to be ready for particular jobs. The SMK students are about 16 to 19 years old. Therefore, the second grade students of SMK are equivalent with the eleventh grade students of Senior High School. They are considered as adolescents who search for identity and stable values. They have strong idealism, want to be independent, and need to be recognized Medinuss and Johnson, 1969: 742-743. In this stage, they like to get along with their peers and build group relationship, as stated by Fleming 1955: 164 that not only intellectual and physical growth but also their personal and social development determine their successful schooling. Thus, these characteristics influence their learning styles and the teacher should be aware of these. The teacher also needs to recognize their strength and weaknesses in learning to make them independent and creative. It is important as well to make their relationship with others as their motivation of their learning. Considering the importance of writing and the characteristics of second grade students of Vocational School, the teachers need to encourage the students to be active learners. However, in many schools, the English teachers do not teach how to write well. They assume that their students understand how to write and only focus on the writing errors such as syntax, grammar, mechanics, and organization, rather than on content. In fact, the students’ writing ability is far from satisfactory. Therefore, the teachers need to understand the principles of teaching writing so that the teaching- learning process will be successful. Tiedt 1989: 2 sees the process of writing as a ho listic process. A process where the students think, feel, and experience as they produce a piece of writing. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 14 According to McCrimmon 1984: 10-11, there are three stages of writing process. They are planning, drafting, and revising. Planning is a pre-writing process to find and produce information in writing. Drafting is a process to organize and develop a piece of writing. Revising is a post-writing process to re- examine and re-evaluate the piece of writing. As a writing teacher, the job is not simply to ask the students to compose a written text and after that check the grammatical errors, but encourage the students and give chances for them to work through all the processes in writing activity. According to Nunan 2003: 92-96, there are some principles that should be considered by English teachers in teaching writing. First, the teachers should understand the students’ reasons for writing. It will result in satisfying writing when the teachers’ goals of writing match the students’ goals and vice versa. Moreover, it will be better if the teachers’ goals and the students’ goals of writing match the school’s goal or curriculum. Second, the teachers are supposed to provide many opportunities for the students to write. Writing requires a lot of practice since writing will not improve without practice. The teachers should provide the students with different types of writing as well. Third, helpful and meaningful feedback is provided. If the teachers write comment on the students’ writing, they ought to be careful with the tone of the comment so that the students understand it well. It will be better if the teachers provide opportunities for the students to have discussion or consultation. At last, it is good if there is a clarification for the students how the ir writing will be evaluated. Clear explanation about the detailed assessment used to evaluate their writing is necessary. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 15

3. Task-Based Language Teaching